Temple ceiling
“Damanhur offers invaluable gifts at the individual and collective level, both spiritual and material, a flavor of what might happen as we make the divine manifest in matter. ”
The Journey & Damanhur
Damanhur Valley
Nestled in the foothills of the Italian Alps is a magical land where people, nature spirits, trees, plants and the cosmic forces collectively mingle to co-create a unitive world where the game of life is played to its fullest. Here, through the harmonious integration and collaboration with all the Forces linked to the evolution of humankind, Sacred Humans are emerging taking up their rightful place within the vast interconnected web of nature and life. Within this sacred landscape conscious awareness is brought to every aspect of life whether it is in making art, learning, growing food, playing, communicating with plants, dancing, working, socializing or deeply connecting.
Journey with us to the eco-society of Damanhur, where you will:
Connect deeply with Nature Consciousness
Experience the Temples of Humankind, known as the Eighth Wonder of the World
Experience the potential when a community focuses on living in harmony with Nature
Receive direct transmission from the cosmic forces
Deeply commune with the Sacred Woods
Work with a Master Sculptor to discover your own Nature Evolutionary through clay
Experience the magic and healing of singing plants
Support your Evolution through the transformative experience of Greenbreath in the Temples of Humankind
Have the potential for deeper healing experiences
We will do all of this and more while being surrounded in beauty, supported by our community, and fed really delicious food.
This is a unique journey specifically created by Damanhur and the Organization of Nature Evolutionaries.
Please join us on this transformational journey of deeply connecting to oneself, nature and the cosmic forces supporting our spiritual evolution. Click here for photo gallery of a past Journey to Damanhur.
Dates: October 13th fly into Malpensa airport, Milan, Italy. We will leave from Sempione Hotel Malpensa, near the airport, the morning of October 14th to drive to Damanhur. OR you may meet us directly at Damanhur by 3:30 PM on October 14th. Leave Damanhur on the morning of October 21st. Flights home can be arranged after 2:00 PM on this day or stay longer and enjoy the other treats of Italy.
Schedule: Click here for a detailed schedule of our daily activities.
Facilitators: Pam Montgomery, Jen Frey, Damanhur citizens
Benefit: This is to benefit you, nature, and the work of O.N.E.. We hope that this is the first of many travel adventures focusing on Nature Consciousness and becoming a Nature Evolutionary.
Cost: $1995 includes program, all instruction, supplies, most meals at Damanhur, shared accommodation at Damanhur, transport (with return) from Milan to Damanhur, transport while at Damanhur, night within Hall of Mirrors in the Temple of Humankind.
Cost does NOT include airfare to Italy, hotels in Milan, food in Milan, 1 lunch in Damanhur.
We are pleased to offer a scholarship for this Nature Consciousness Journey. Details and application can be found on the scholarship page.
Payment: Register with your non-refundable deposit of $500. We expect this trip to have a wait list, so register early and reserve your spot.
Your balance of $1495 is due by September 1st.
You can pay via Paypal transfer (to pam@natureevolutionaries.com) or by check sent to: O.N.E., 1525 Danby Mtn. Rd., Danby, Vt. 05739.
You may also pay with this PayPal link-using your credit/debit card by adding a 3% convenience charge (which paypal charges us). Total deposit amount using this link is $515.
Refund Policy: The deposit of $500 is non-refundable. Beyond the deposit a full refund will be made if you cancel by August 1st. 50% refund will be made up until September 15th. There is no refund after September 15th.
Sacred Woods
Damanhurians have always been active in researching communication with the forces of nature, guided by the desire to re-establish a harmonious balance in the relationship with life on our beautiful planet. In the Damanhurian Spiritual Vision, humans are part of a spiritual ecosystem with forces and intelligences, and it is important to establish a conscious contact with them, just as it is with life forms present in the environmental ecosystem that surrounds us. Our human evolution is inextricably linked to the alliance and reunification with the physical and subtle forces that inhabit this and other worlds, which Damanhurians call the "Mother Worlds."
Recognized as a model for sustainable society by the United Nation’s Global Forum on Human Settlements, every citizen of Damanhur commits to co-existing, in a reverent and nurturing way, with the plant and animal worlds, as well as with the intelligences that inhabit the universe. Given this dynamic relationship with nature consciousness Damanhur is the perfect place to deepen our own connection with and commitment to Nature and experience the possibilities that occur when we move into partnership. Join us during this powerful collaboration with fellow Nature Evolutionaries.