Seed Gratitude Ceremony
Planning Your Seed Gratitude Ceremony
March 21st, 12:00 pm ET and all corresponding time zones the world over.
In gratefulness and recognition of the Sacredness of Seeds, we encourage you to join us in holding your own Seed Blessing Ceremony - from wherever you are, with a group, or by yourself. We invite you to pray with seeds and your sacred lands. You can also connect with other communities participating in the same prayer of gratitude and blessing for all seeds and a thriving, vibrant future for Earth and all life.
Planning and holding your own Seed Gratitude Ceremony is simple and our organizations (O.N.E. and have created a short video demonstration and a 1-page printable instruction sheet to provide guidance. We are helping to provide the framework for you to bring your creativity and open heart.
We invite you to include your ceremony on our website through the "Include Your Ceremony" button above and let us know if you would like your O.N.E. community to know about your ceremony.
Inspiration for the Seed Gratitude Ceremony
These times we are living right now are inspiring us as Nature Evolutionaries to look for the medicine that is needed for all life to thrive. We look to Earth, to Nature, to the Universe for this medicine so that we can reflect it, amplify it, and help bring it to the places we live- to uplift our communities of people and nourish the land where we live. The ways that we do this are varied: some efforts are big and visible while others are subtle, and yet each open-hearted, connected effort is a drop of nourishment for this big Earth family that we are. Building a relationship of reciprocity with the natural community that holds us is essential in dreaming forth a good future for all life.
We are often inspired by the beauty, magnanimity, elegance, and grandeur of nature and each span of time seems to have its own yearning for certain medicines. Since mid-fall, we have been feeling the power, grace, and gift of seeds (more than usual), and feel that the qualities and medicine of seeds are needed. We decided together to dedicate this spring ceremony to express our gratitude for Seeds, to put to good use our human creativity and vast hearts to bless them and to nourish the lands where we live by planting these sacred seeds. Here is a small expression of our love and admiration for Seeds.
We give thanks for the brilliance of the Beings who carry the code of new Life.
We give thanks for the immense rich diversity and adaptability of seeds, for their responsiveness to weather and land and all the evolutionary forces which challenge and shape life-forms.
We stand in awe of the seed’s ability to remember its divine instruction of Plant and bring that forth from the soil, water, and sun-always true to self and authenticity.
We give thanks for the hope and the teachings of seeds: seeds which can stay quiet and still, looking like pieces of stone until conditions are just right for them to break open and grow.
We give thanks to the preservers of seeds in all their diversity. And to the farmers who plant and nourish, harvest and save seeds with the love and reverence they deserve.
We give our love to the beautiful, sacred carriers of Life with the intention that they may flourish in infinite diversity and boundless beauty.
This loving act of ceremony creates the opening to experience our unique human identity as caretakers of life on Mother Earth. Ceremonies like this are the Sacred Seeds of healing and nourishment for Mother Earth and can help to bring balance where it is needed.
Which Seeds?
You can bless whichever seeds you would like to for the ceremony. Some people plan to use the seeds they will plant in their vegetable or flower gardens this year. Others will use native seeds and plant these in the wild or create gardens that are sanctuaries for animals and plants, for instance, a pollinator garden. Feel into what seeds-plants are moving you and consider exploring a relationship with a new plant relative. If you’re already a plant enthusiast-herbalist-farmer-seed saver-gardener-wild being, then, by all means, bless all the seeds you have!
Seeds Resources:
There are many seed organizations and small businesses that are doing great work for seeds so reach out to local groups or do research for your area. Check out our featured seed articles .
This Climbing PoeTree performance took place at the 2019 Bioneers Conference. They expressed our shared feelings about Seeds profoundly and powerfully. We encourage you to watch and listen.