The Light of Love by Elyse Pomerantz
Walking through the forest we notice the light. It is dappled. Backlit, the leaves of a birch tree are illumined with pure light green. Oak, Pine, Beech… each type of tree plays with the light in a unique way.Trees provide shade. Direct continuous exposure to the powerful rays of the Sun creates fatigue and burns exposed skin. The forest protects all that lives within and beneath the leafy canopy.
While the young trees need light in order to grow, the filtered light in the forest allows them to grow slowly. It has been shown this assures a longevity and vitality that is lacking in the trees who are plunged into direct sunlight and grow quickly as a result. (source: The Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohleben*)
In the forest everything slows. Forest Therapy is growing in popularity in a world where constant rapid nerve/sense stimulation and distractions have penetrated every situation in human life.
Amongst the trees our inner life becomes coherent with the rhythm of the forest. New thoughts arise. We are inspired and enlivened.
And then. If we are aware and choose freely to do so, with our loving intention and attention we create light in our hearts that we can direct towards the trees. (source: Thoughts that Shine like Stars by Verena Stael von Holstein** )
Do not underestimate the importance of the gift of your loving attention to the trees. The gaze of one who loves us is a nourishment that we need to grow and thrive. It is the same for the trees.
Shine your light towards the trees and they will thrive. Together we will grow love and well being, slowly and gently into the future.
*"Scientists have determined that slow growth when the tree is young is a prerequisite if a tree is to live to a ripe old age. As people, we easily lose sight of what is truly old for a tree, because modern forestry targets a maximum age of 80-120 years before plantation trees are cut down and turned into cash.
Under natural conditions, trees that age are no thicker than a pencil and no taller than a person. Thanks to slow growth, their inner woody cells are tiny and contain almost no air. That makes the trees flexible and resistant to breaking in storms. Even more important is their heightened resistance to fungi, which have difficulty spreading through tough little trunks. Injuries are no big deal for such trees, either, because they can easily compartmentalize the wounds – that is to say, close them up by growing bark over them – before any decay occurs." (pg 33)
**"Many forests are sick. This sickness is located in the etheric sphere and is connected primarily with the fact that humans are not opening their eyes.
The forests will become healthy to the extent that the etheric nature of a forest is seen –….the awareness of humans can heal us." (pg 35) (Beings called Tree Shepherds are responsible for the movement of forests! It is the Tree Shepherd named Crown who communicated what is written above to Verena)
Elyse Pomerantz is a teacher and mentor within the Waldorf tradition, a facilitator and mediator, an artist and art therapist, writer and photographer. She has brought her art into service as a means of communicating her deep connection with the natural world, in particular, with the trees.
You can read this complete article, view her art and learn about her advocacy for trees at her website: