We offer Gratitude for Mountains

The mountains inspire us by their great beauty, the way they lift the earth toward the sky, the way they offer us vision. So many spiritual seekers and teachers have gone to the mountaintops to offer prayer and receive guidance. Mountain spirits and Stone beings speak to us of ancient mysteries and are generous in sharing their wisdom.

Working with the air and waters, Mountains weave weather and waterfalls. A single Mountain may cradle a whole series of varying ecosystems, nourishing multitudinous life forms.



And within mountains are the buried treasure of gems and minerals and fuels which we humans have loved and desired through so much of our history.

We are thankful for these treasures and also we are sorry—for all the depredation that our mining them has caused. We ask forgiveness of the Mountains for our ancient and present excesses and we ask for the release of the greed and short-sightedness that still leads to plundering and destruction.

We offer our intention to honor and treasure the Mountains and Minerals, the Crystals and the Stones, as the revered Beings they are, to learn from them and to live in a manner harmonious with their well-being.




Becoming Mountain by Jen Frey


Forest Listening: Voices of the Pines, by Kate Gilday