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Our Green Heart: The Soul and Science of Forests with Diana Beresford-Kroeger

Join us for a rare and profound conversation with visionary botanist, biochemist, and bestselling author Diana Beresford-Kroeger, whose work reveals forests as living, breathing networks essential to our survival.

In this intimate webinar, Diana shares insights from Our Green Heart, the culmination of her life’s research on the deep connection between trees, human health, and planetary survival. As likely the last child in Ireland to receive a full Druidic education, she bridges ancient ecological wisdom with cutting-edge science to show how trees serve as the Earth’s lungs, medicine, and protectors against climate breakdown.

Discover the hidden intelligence of trees, the critical role forests play in stabilizing our climate, and how Diana’s groundbreaking bioplan offers a roadmap for restoring our forests—and our future. She calls on each of us to take action by planting and protecting trees and seeing the natural world through a lens of reciprocity and kinship.

This is more than a conversation—it’s a call to action. Leave inspired and empowered with concrete steps to help safeguard the forests that sustain life on Earth.

Diana Beresford-Kroeger is a world recognized author, medical biochemist, botanist and climate change visionary. She possesses a unique understanding of modern western science and ancient Celtic knowledge.  Orphaned in Ireland in her youth, Beresford-Kroeger was educated by her Irish elders who instructed her in the Brehon knowledge of plants and nature.

Told at a young age that one day she would need to bring this ancient Celtic knowledge to a troubled future, Beresford-Kroeger has done exactly that.

Diana has been working to preserve the environment since the early 1960s when she identified climate change as one of the most important challenges we would face in the modern age. This set her on a course of rigorous scientific study where she achieved a masters in botany and two PHD’s – one in biochemistry and the other in biology.  In 1967 she discovered genetic smearing, which changed the way scientists studied microcosms under a microscope.  Diana also discovered cathodoluminescense in biological systems, which is now used to detect cancer.  But because of her Celtic roots her heart was always with the forest.

Diana’s understanding of the ancient knowledge of trees has led her to unique scientific discoveries.  In the 1970s Diana started her own arboretum and collected trees from all over the world. She discovered the importance of mother trees at the heart of the forest and she scientifically proved that trees are a living library of medicine that have a chemical language and communicate in a quantum world.  She created an ambitious bioplan encouraging and educating ordinary people how to replant the global forest. This plan was adopted by the city of Ottawa.

Diana’s documentary, “Call of the Forest” was released in 2016 and alongside it was a tree-planting app “which keyed species to plant to the regions where people lived.”  Early on in filming, Diana was introduced to activist Sophia Rabliauskas, leader of the Poplar River First Nations. Sophia had secured protected status for two million acres of virgin boreal forest on the eastern side of Lake Winnipeg, and was currently fighting to have the entirety of Pimachiowin Aki, a massive area of virgin boreal forest, declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The women teamed up and when their first application was rejected, Diana journeyed into the forest to prove the importance of its biodiversity by identifying plants that exist nowhere else.  In August 2018, Pimachiowin Aki was named a UNESCO World Heritage and Cultural Site – the first to be recognized as having both cultural and environmental significance.

Diana’s legacy project is to clone and map the entire global forest. This process is similar to medicinal stem cell cloning where the DNA is preserved unchanged remaining in its native form.  A living bank of tree seeds must be put together to either mend or amend what remains of our global forests. Creating a living library of the global forests will preserve the forests for generations to come.

You can learn more about Diana and her work here

Forest Conversation Series Schedule

Connecting with the Essence of the Forest, March 11th
Featuring Kate Gilday, Clinical Herbalist and Flower Essence Practitioner

Forest as Community: The Ecology of Relationships, March 18
Featuring Luke Cannon, Ethnobotanist, Naturalist and Teacher

Forest Folklore, April 1st
Featuring Katherine Parker, Forest Farmer, Storyteller and Guide

Cultural Fire, April 8th
Featuring Elizabeth Azuzz, Karuk Cultural Fire Practitioner

Defending the Elwha’s Legacy Forests, April 29th
Featuring Tashena Francis- Lower Elwha Klallam Tribal Citizen, Freddie Lane-Lummi Nation Elder, and Elizabeth Dunne- Earth Law Center

Our Green Heart: The Soul and Science of Forests, May 6th
Featuring Diana Beresford-Kroger, Botanist, Biochemist, Biologist and Poet of the Global Forest

Trees, Ethics, and Planetary Wellbeing, May 20th
Featuring Suzi Steer, Ecological Ethicist, Earth Systems Connector and Citizen-Led Reforestation Champion

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    April 29

    Defending the Elwha’s Legacy Forests with Tashena Francis, Freddie Lane & Elizabeth Dunne

    May 12

    ONE Members' Community Meetup: Nature and the Creative Mind