Filtering by: “Sacred Earth Activism”
Forest Folklore with Katherine Parker

Forest Folklore with Katherine Parker

Forests hold stories—ancient memories woven into their roots, whispered through their leaves, and carried on the wind. In this special gathering, Katherine Parker invites us into a deeper relationship with the Forest as both a place and a presence.

We will begin by exploring the connection between Forests and ancestral memory, touching on how these living landscapes hold the echoes of those who came before. Katherine will then share a Forest story, offering a glimpse into the mythic consciousness that has long honored the wisdom of trees.

From there, we will turn to practice—ways to attune to the intelligence and consciousness of the Forest, to listen rather than simply observe, and to experience the Forest not as separate from us, but as a part of who we are.

This session is an invitation to slow down, to listen, and to remember. Join us as we step into the stillness and presence of the Forest together.

Katherine Parker, PhD is a Wilderness Rites of Passage Guide and recovering psychologist. She wanders the liminal space between mythology, psychology, and animism, looking for ancestral connections. Kat is an oral storyteller in the tradition of the British Isles and created the podcast Celtic Medicine Stories. She writes “Adventures in the Otherworld, the Science and Mythology of the non-ordinary” on Substack.

You can learn more about her work at

Conversation Series Schedule

Connecting with the Essence of the Forest, March 11th
Featuring Kate Gilday, Clinical Herbalist and Flower Essence Practitioner

Forest as Community: The Ecology of Relationships, March 18
Featuring Luke Cannon, Ethnobotanist, Naturalist and Teacher

Forest Folklore, April 1st
Featuring Katherine Parker, Forest Farmer, Storyteller and Guide

Cultural Fire, April 8th
Featuring Elizabeth Azuzz, Karuk Cultural Fire Practitioner

Defending the Elwha’s Legacy Forests, April 29th
Featuring Tashena Francis- Lower Elwha Klallam Tribal Citizen, Freddie Lane-Lummi Nation Elder, and Elizabeth Dunne- Earth Law Center

Our Green Heart: The Soul and Science of Forests, May 6th
Featuring Diana Beresford-Kroger, Botanist, Biochemist, Biologist and Poet of the Global Forest

Trees, Ethics, and Planetary Wellbeing, May 20th
Featuring Suzi Steer, Ecological Ethicist, Earth Systems Connector and Citizen-Led Reforestation Champion

Thank you to our Forest Conversation Series Sponsors:

Enter your name and email address below to register for the ONE Forest Conversation Series.

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    Cultural Fire with Elizabeth Azzuz

    Cultural Fire with Elizabeth Azzuz

    For thousands of years, Indigenous peoples have used fire as a tool to cultivate and sustain the land. Yet, colonization and fire suppression policies criminalized these ancient practices, leading to devastating consequences for ecosystems and communities. Today, cultural fire practitioners are reclaiming the knowledge of their ancestors, bringing back "good fire" to heal the land, reduce catastrophic wildfires, and restore balance.

    Join us for an illuminating conversation with Elizabeth Azzuz, a dedicated cultural fire practitioner working to restore Indigenous fire stewardship. As a member of the Cultural Fire Management Council on the Yurok Reservation and Ancestral lands, Elizabeth helps train new generations of fire lighters, ensuring that traditional ecological knowledge continues to shape a more resilient and thriving landscape.

    In this webinar, we will explore:

    • The spiritual and ecological importance of cultural burning.

    • How fire supports food, medicine, and basket-making materials.

    • The challenges Indigenous fire practitioners face in reclaiming their ancestral stewardship.

    • The growing recognition of prescribed fire as a solution to today’s wildfire crisis.

    Elizabeth’s work is not just about fire—it is about sovereignty, cultural survival, and the renewal of life itself. Come listen, learn, and support the movement to restore Indigenous fire practices to the land.

    Elizabeth Azzuz is a cultural fire practitioner who has been burning since the age of four. Her Karuk grandfather taught her about her obligations to Mother Earth after catching her playing with fire. She is a mother and grandmother, and she gathers foods, medicines, teas, and basket materials in post-burn areas. As part of the Cultural Fire Management Council, she works to train fire lighters to restore ecosystems with the greatest tool left by the Creator—fire.

    You can learn more about Elizabeth and Cultural Fire Fire Management Council at

    Conversation Series Schedule

    Connecting with the Essence of the Forest, March 11th
    Featuring Kate Gilday, Clinical Herbalist and Flower Essence Practitioner

    Forest as Community: The Ecology of Relationships, March 18
    Featuring Luke Cannon, Ethnobotanist, Naturalist and Teacher

    Forest Folklore, April 1st
    Featuring Katherine Parker, Forest Farmer, Storyteller and Guide

    Cultural Fire, April 8th
    Featuring Elizabeth Azuzz, Karuk Cultural Fire Practitioner

    Defending the Elwha’s Legacy Forests, April 29th
    Featuring Tashena Francis- Lower Elwha Klallam Tribal Citizen, Freddie Lane-Lummi Nation Elder, and Elizabeth Dunne- Earth Law Center

    Our Green Heart: The Soul and Science of Forests, May 6th
    Featuring Diana Beresford-Kroger, Botanist, Biochemist, Biologist and Poet of the Global Forest

    Trees, Ethics, and Planetary Wellbeing, May 20th
    Featuring Suzi Steer, Ecological Ethicist, Earth Systems Connector and Citizen-Led Reforestation Champion

    Thank you to our Forest Conversation Series Sponsors:

    Enter your name and email address below to register for the ONE Forest Conversation Series.

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      Co-Creating with Nature with Pam Montgomery

      Co-Creating with Nature with Pam Montgomery

      Follow us on Spotify, Apple iTunes, and other platforms to easily download and listen to the Nature Evolutionaries podcast channel.

      Join us this Earth Day for a transformative webinar with renowned plant spirit healer and author Pam Montgomery. Pam will guide us into a deeper relationship with the living world, inviting us to experience Nature as an ally and teacher rather than a resource to manage.

      Pam offers a perspective that is both practical and profoundly heart-centered, illuminating the subtle yet powerful connections between human beings and the natural world. Her newly released book, Co-Creating with Nature, delves into this relationship and offers pathways for healing.

      In this webinar, Pam will share stories of her own journey into plant communication, explore the intelligence present in Nature, and inspire us to rekindle our relationship with the Earth. Come with an open heart and leave with a renewed sense of wonder and connection to the world around you.

      Pam Montgomery has been investigating plants and their intelligent spiritual nature for more than three decades. As an author, teacher, and practitioner, she has passionately embraced her partnership with the plants who are guiding us in our spiritual evolution.

      She is the author of Partner Earth: A Spiritual Ecology and the best-selling Plant Spirit Healing: A Guide to Working with Plant Consciousness and most recently Co-Creating with Nature: Healing the Wound of Separation. She teaches internationally on plant spirit healing, spiritual ecology, and people as Nature Evolutionaries.

      Pam is the founder of ONE. She has dedicated herself to co-creative partnership with all of life and feels the Organization of Nature Evolutionaries is a way to make this partnership manifest.

      You can connect with Pam here: 

      Enter your name and email address below to register for the live webinar, "Co-Creating with Nature" with Pam Montgomery

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        Defending the Elwha’s Legacy Forests with Tashena Francis, Freddie Lane & Elizabeth Dunne

        Defending the Elwha’s Legacy Forests with Tashena Francis, Freddie Lane & Elizabeth Dunne

        The Elwha River Watershed is a living, breathing web of interconnection—home to salmon, orcas, towering trees, and the stories of the Lower Elwha Klallam people. For generations, these lands and waters have sustained life, and in return, they have been cared for as kin. But today, 850 acres of mature, structurally complex forests in the watershed are at risk of being auctioned for logging, despite decades of restoration efforts.

        In this conversation, we will explore the urgent movement to protect the Elwha’s legacy forests, guided by those who stand on the leading edge of this movement for protection and stewardship. Tashena Francis (Lower Elwha Klallam Tribal Citizen) and Freddie Lane (Lummi Nation Elder) have been organizing their communities to defend the watershed, upholding their sacred responsibility to protect the land. They are collaborating with Elizabeth Dunne (Elwha Watershed Resident), co-founder of the grassroots Elwha Legacy Forests Coalition (of which Tashena and Freddie are also a part). Elizabeth, who leads Earth Law Center's Cascadia Bioregion Program, is working to establish legal protections rooted in the Rights of Nature and principles of respect and reciprocity.

        Together, we will discuss:
        🌿 Forests as relatives, elders, and teachers
        🔥 Community organizing as an act of resistance and protection
        ⚖️ The Rights of Nature and how law can align with Indigenous knowledge
        🌳 Working together as Indigenous and non-Indigenous allies for the places we love
        🛡️ What we can do, collectively, to ensure these forests remain standing

        This is a call to listen, witness, and act. The Elwha’s forests are not lost yet—but they need all of us.

        To learn more and sign the Protect the Elwha petition,
        visit the Earth Law Center.

        Tashena Francis is a Lower Elwha Klallam tribal citizen and member of the Elwha Legacy Forest Coalition. She was born and raised on the Lower Elwha Klallam reservation and advocates for preserving the Elwha watershed. Francis believes that saving our forest for future generations is pivotal to addressing our global climate crisis.


        Freddie Lane is a citizen of the Lummi Nation and a long-time community leader, artist, and advocate for Indigenous rights and environmental protection. He has served on the Lummi Nation Council and continues to speak on behalf of the Lummi General Council, working to protect, preserve, and promote Schelangen—the Lummi way of life. Through his communications work and his business, Sul ka dub Strategies, Freddie supports treaty protection efforts and environmental justice campaigns across Indian Country.

        A skilled organizer and storyteller, Freddie has played key roles in major cultural and advocacy events, including the Paddle to Lummi Canoe Journey, the Red Road to DC Totem Pole Journey, and decades of Native Vote campaigns. His deep roots in community and creative media continue to uplift Indigenous voices and protect the sacred—work that aligns powerfully with efforts to defend the Elwha River Watershed.

        Elizabeth Dunne, Esq. is a Movement Lawyer, voice for Nature, and founder of the Earth Law Center's Cascadia Bioregion Program. She has 20 years experience innovating in the legal sphere. She advanced many of the groundbreaking Rights of Nature laws in the US, served as counsel and advisor on the first court cases filed on behalf of ecosystems, and co-authored the US Chapter of the first Earth Law textbook. Much of her current work aims to uproot colonial paradigms that commodify our last remaining old-growth and mature forests. Her forest advocacy is featured in the award-winning short film Last Stand: Saving the Elwha River’s Legacy Forests for which she also served as Creative Producer.

        Conversation Series Schedule

        Connecting with the Essence of the Forest, March 11th
        Featuring Kate Gilday, Clinical Herbalist and Flower Essence Practitioner

        Forest as Community: The Ecology of Relationships, March 18
        Featuring Luke Cannon, Ethnobotanist, Naturalist and Teacher

        Forest Folklore, April 1st
        Featuring Katherine Parker, Forest Farmer, Storyteller and Guide

        Cultural Fire, April 8th
        Featuring Elizabeth Azzuz, Cultural Fire Practitioner

        Defending the Elwha’s Legacy Forests, April 29th
        Featuring Tashena Francis- Lower Elwha Klallam Tribal Citizen, Freddie Lane-Lummi Nation Elder, and Elizabeth Dunne- Earth Law Center
        ➡️Webinar page coming soon

        Our Green Heart: The Soul and Science of Forests, May 6th
        Featuring Diana Beresford-Kroger, Botanist, Biochemist, Biologist and Poet of the Global Forest

        Trees, Ethics, and Planetary Wellbeing, May 20th
        Featuring Suzi Steer, Ecological Ethicist, Earth Systems Connector and Citizen-Led Reforestation Champion

        Thank you to our Forest Conversation Series Sponsors:

        Enter your name and email address below to register for the ONE Forest Conversation Series.

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          Our Green Heart:  The Soul and Science of Forests with Diana Beresford-Kroeger

          Our Green Heart: The Soul and Science of Forests with Diana Beresford-Kroeger

          Join us for a rare and profound conversation with visionary botanist, biochemist, and bestselling author Diana Beresford-Kroeger, whose work reveals forests as living, breathing networks essential to our survival.

          In this intimate webinar, Diana shares insights from Our Green Heart, the culmination of her life’s research on the deep connection between trees, human health, and planetary survival. As likely the last child in Ireland to receive a full Druidic education, she bridges ancient ecological wisdom with cutting-edge science to show how trees serve as the Earth’s lungs, medicine, and protectors against climate breakdown.

          Discover the hidden intelligence of trees, the critical role forests play in stabilizing our climate, and how Diana’s groundbreaking bioplan offers a roadmap for restoring our forests—and our future. She calls on each of us to take action by planting and protecting trees and seeing the natural world through a lens of reciprocity and kinship.

          This is more than a conversation—it’s a call to action. Leave inspired and empowered with concrete steps to help safeguard the forests that sustain life on Earth.

          Diana Beresford-Kroeger is a world recognized author, medical biochemist, botanist and climate change visionary. She possesses a unique understanding of modern western science and ancient Celtic knowledge.  Orphaned in Ireland in her youth, Beresford-Kroeger was educated by her Irish elders who instructed her in the Brehon knowledge of plants and nature.

          Told at a young age that one day she would need to bring this ancient Celtic knowledge to a troubled future, Beresford-Kroeger has done exactly that.

          Diana has been working to preserve the environment since the early 1960s when she identified climate change as one of the most important challenges we would face in the modern age. This set her on a course of rigorous scientific study where she achieved a masters in botany and two PHD’s – one in biochemistry and the other in biology.  In 1967 she discovered genetic smearing, which changed the way scientists studied microcosms under a microscope.  Diana also discovered cathodoluminescense in biological systems, which is now used to detect cancer.  But because of her Celtic roots her heart was always with the forest.

          Diana’s understanding of the ancient knowledge of trees has led her to unique scientific discoveries.  In the 1970s Diana started her own arboretum and collected trees from all over the world. She discovered the importance of mother trees at the heart of the forest and she scientifically proved that trees are a living library of medicine that have a chemical language and communicate in a quantum world.  She created an ambitious bioplan encouraging and educating ordinary people how to replant the global forest. This plan was adopted by the city of Ottawa.

          Diana’s documentary, “Call of the Forest” was released in 2016 and alongside it was a tree-planting app “which keyed species to plant to the regions where people lived.”  Early on in filming, Diana was introduced to activist Sophia Rabliauskas, leader of the Poplar River First Nations. Sophia had secured protected status for two million acres of virgin boreal forest on the eastern side of Lake Winnipeg, and was currently fighting to have the entirety of Pimachiowin Aki, a massive area of virgin boreal forest, declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The women teamed up and when their first application was rejected, Diana journeyed into the forest to prove the importance of its biodiversity by identifying plants that exist nowhere else.  In August 2018, Pimachiowin Aki was named a UNESCO World Heritage and Cultural Site – the first to be recognized as having both cultural and environmental significance.

          Diana’s legacy project is to clone and map the entire global forest. This process is similar to medicinal stem cell cloning where the DNA is preserved unchanged remaining in its native form.  A living bank of tree seeds must be put together to either mend or amend what remains of our global forests. Creating a living library of the global forests will preserve the forests for generations to come.

          You can learn more about Diana and her work here

          Forest Conversation Series Schedule

          Connecting with the Essence of the Forest, March 11th
          Featuring Kate Gilday, Clinical Herbalist and Flower Essence Practitioner

          Forest as Community: The Ecology of Relationships, March 18
          Featuring Luke Cannon, Ethnobotanist, Naturalist and Teacher

          Forest Folklore, April 1st
          Featuring Katherine Parker, Forest Farmer, Storyteller and Guide

          Cultural Fire, April 8th
          Featuring Elizabeth Azuzz, Karuk Cultural Fire Practitioner

          Defending the Elwha’s Legacy Forests, April 29th
          Featuring Tashena Francis- Lower Elwha Klallam Tribal Citizen, Freddie Lane-Lummi Nation Elder, and Elizabeth Dunne- Earth Law Center

          Our Green Heart: The Soul and Science of Forests, May 6th
          Featuring Diana Beresford-Kroger, Botanist, Biochemist, Biologist and Poet of the Global Forest

          Trees, Ethics, and Planetary Wellbeing, May 20th
          Featuring Suzi Steer, Ecological Ethicist, Earth Systems Connector and Citizen-Led Reforestation Champion

          Thank you to our Forest Conversation Series Sponsors:

          Enter your name and email address below to register for the ONE Forest Conversation Series.

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            Trees, Ethics, and Planetary Wellbeing with suzi steer

            Trees, Ethics, and Planetary Wellbeing with suzi steer

            Join Suzi Steer, founder of The Tree Conference and co-author of Rooted in Ethics, for an insightful conversation on citizen-led reforestation, protecting old-growth forests, and transforming our relationship with trees. Suzi will explore the intersection of science, policy, and deep listening with Nature, highlighting innovative projects, grassroots movements, and cultural shifts that are reshaping how we care for Earth’s ecosystems. This session will inspire new ways of thinking about trees—not just as resources, but as intelligent, interconnected beings essential to planetary wellbeing.

            Suzi Steer’s mission is to support trees to survive and thrive on Earth in these times. She is the founder of the Tree Conference, an event that brings together scientists, tree-related NGOs, foresters, grassroots communities, creatives, legal experts, tree-speakers and the general tree-loving public. 

            Suzi’s specialism is in the relationship between human construct systems (e.g. financial, legal, technological and governmental) and Nature’s planetary intelligence system. From her profession as a maths teacher, Suzi’s journey into exploring systemic change with individuals, communities and organisations has been through deep listening with trees and plants as experts in Earth’s multidimensional living systems.

            For six years Suzi worked through the UK charity TreeSisters to articulate the Ethics and Nature Relationships that support land, forest and biocultural restoration that honours all beings of Nature as conscious, intelligent and having agency. 

            This involved listening with representatives of Original Peoples and Nations and reforestation practitioners alongside specialists in law and international agreements. The resulting Rooted in Ethics: The Community Tree Stewardship Framework and Practices Guides are co-published by TreeSisters and The Fountain, a US 501c3.

            Learn more about Suzi and her work at

            Conversation Series Schedule

            Connecting with the Essence of the Forest, March 11th
            Featuring Kate Gilday, Clinical Herbalist and Flower Essence Practitioner

            Forest as Community: The Ecology of Relationships, March 18
            Featuring Luke Cannon, Ethnobotanist, Naturalist and Teacher

            Forest Folklore, April 1st
            Featuring Katherine Parker, Forest Farmer, Storyteller and Guide

            Cultural Fire, April 8th
            Featuring Elizabeth Azuzz, Karuk Cultural Fire Practitioner

            Defending the Elwha’s Legacy Forests, April 29th
            Featuring Tashena Francis- Lower Elwha Klallam Tribal Citizen, Freddie Lane-Lummi Nation Elder, and Elizabeth Dunne- Earth Law Center

            Our Green Heart: The Soul and Science of Forests, May 6th
            Featuring Diana Beresford-Kroger, Botanist, Biochemist, Biologist and Poet of the Global Forest

            Trees, Ethics, and Planetary Wellbeing, May 20th
            Featuring Suzi Steer, Ecological Ethicist, Earth Systems Connector and Citizen-Led Reforestation Champion

            Thank you to our Forest Conversation Series Sponsors:

            Enter your name and email address below to register for the ONE Forest Conversation Series.

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              ONE Members' Community Meetup: Opening the Heart with Rose: A Sacred Journey of Love and Healing

              ONE Members' Community Meetup: Opening the Heart with Rose: A Sacred Journey of Love and Healing

              Every day with Rose is like walking in beauty, guided by the gentle breath of angel wings. She, the Queen of Flowers, invites us into a deeper experience of unconditional love—a love that flows softly, yet powerfully, through the heart of Nature and into the essence of our being.

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              ONE Members' Community Meetup: Oceans and Dewdrops

              ONE Members' Community Meetup: Oceans and Dewdrops

              Gratitude for Oceans invites us into a sacred awareness of the delicate yet vast cycles of Nature, where every dewdrop, wave, and breath of wind plays its part in the great interconnected web of life.

              Both Oceans and dewdrops are part of Water’s infinite journey—flowing through sky, Earth, and back again. Oceans breathe life into clouds, which release rain to nourish the land, while the quiet night air gathers moisture into dewdrops, glistening like tiny jewels of Ocean wisdom at dawn. Each drop holds a story, a connection, a reminder of the unseen ways Nature sustains and renews all life.

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              ONE Members' Community Meetup: Remembering the Landscape of Our Bodies

              ONE Members' Community Meetup: Remembering the Landscape of Our Bodies

              Our bodies hold a living history—stories of sensation, memory, and emotion etched into the geography of our being. They are not separate from Nature—they are Nature. They breathe, grow, heal, and regenerate as part of the web of life. This is an invitation to connect with the Earth of our being: to honor the wisdom of our bodies, to feel their rhythms and flows, and to nurture them as sacred landscapes in continual relationship with the more-than-human world.

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              ONE Members' Community Meetup: Rooted in Connection: Honoring the Wisdom of Forests

              ONE Members' Community Meetup: Rooted in Connection: Honoring the Wisdom of Forests

              Following the Tree Gratitude Ceremony, we invite you to gather with us to deepen the connection with the trees—our wise and generous kin. Trees stand as living bridges between Earth and sky, with roots delving into the soil and branches reaching toward the sun. They embody patience, resilience, and interconnection, reminding us of the beauty and strength that arises from deep, rooted relationships.

              Together, let us reflect on the gifts the trees offer—air to breathe, shelter to rest, and the quiet, steadfast energy that teaches us to stand tall and rooted, no matter the winds that may blow.

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              Forest as Community: The Ecology of Relationships with Luke Cannon

              Forest as Community: The Ecology of Relationships with Luke Cannon


              Join us for Forest as Community: The Ecology of Relationships with Luke Cannon, a journey into the interconnected world of the forest ecosystem. Grounded in Appalachian Forest ecology, this exploration touches on Forest principles that play out in countless ways across the planet.

              From the hidden networks beneath the forest floor to the towering crowns of ancient trees, we explore the relationships that sustain these living communities. Luke helps us traverse the intricate web of interactions between fungi, plants, animals, and the elements, touching on deep time and illustrating how these relationships form the foundation of a thriving forest. Within this conversation, participants are invited to consider their own connection to the greater community of life, including the Forests where they live—as humans, what is our Forest niche?

              Luke Cannon, a seasoned botanist and naturalist, brings decades of ecological study and experience to this conversation. His insights draw from Appalachian ecology, ethnobotany, and a lifetime of immersive study with the living landscape.

              This webinar offers a unique perspective on Forests as collaborative, relational communities rather than just collections of individual species. Centering our own role within ecosystems, it provides a broad yet nuanced understanding of the Forest's intricate dynamics and leaves participants with a renewed appreciation for the profound interconnectedness that makes a Forest a Forest.

              Click here for Luke’s Printable Forest Resource List

              Luke Cannon is a botanist, naturalist, and lifelong student of the living Earth. His passion for understanding the ecological intricacies of forests has taken him across the Americas and beyond, learning and teaching about the Earth's astounding diversity. With a background in Appalachian ecology, ethnobotany, permaculture, and experiential education, Luke draws from diverse fields to share practical, insightful knowledge about the natural world.

              As the founder of Astounding Earth, Luke has dedicated decades to teaching and mentoring people of all ages, helping them deepen their relationship with Nature. He has led programs for numerous institutions, including the North Carolina Arboretum and Organic Growers School, offering accessible, experience-based learning that inspires a lasting connection to the forest community.

              You can learn more about Luke and his work at

              Conversation Series Schedule

              Connecting with the Essence of the Forest, March 11th
              Featuring Kate Gilday, Clinical Herbalist and Flower Essence Practitioner

              Forest as Community: The Ecology of Relationships, March 18
              Featuring Luke Cannon, Ethnobotanist, Naturalist and Teacher

              Forest Folklore, April 1st
              Featuring Katherine Parker, Forest Farmer, Storyteller and Guide

              Cultural Fire, April 8th
              Featuring Elizabeth Azuzz, Karuk Cultural Fire Practitioner

              Defending the Elwha’s Legacy Forests, April 29th
              Featuring Tashena Francis- Lower Elwha Klallam Tribal Citizen, Freddie Lane-Lummi Nation Elder, and Elizabeth Dunne- Earth Law Center

              Our Green Heart: The Soul and Science of Forests, May 6th
              Featuring Diana Beresford-Kroger, Botanist, Biochemist, Biologist and Poet of the Global Forest

              Trees, Ethics, and Planetary Wellbeing, May 20th
              Featuring Suzi Steer, Ecological Ethicist, Earth Systems Connector and Citizen-Led Reforestation Champion

              Thank you to our Forest Conversation Series Sponsors:

              Enter your name and email address below to register for the ONE Forest Conversation Series.

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                Connecting with the Essence of the Forest with Kate Gilday

                Connecting with the Essence of the Forest with Kate Gilday

                Follow us on Spotify, Apple iTunes, and other platforms to
                easily download and listen to the Nature Evolutionaries podcast channel.

                Step into the Heart of the Forest: Discover the Spirit and Medicine of the Northeast Woodlands

                Join Kate Gilday on a journey through the Northeast woodlands, where Nature encourages us to slow down, observe, and form a deeper connection with the world around us. Kate shares her wisdom and stories, inspiring you to use your senses to experience the unique essence of the forest.

                Discover the medicinal and energetic gifts of trees like White Pine, Scots Pine, Golden Birch, and Hemlock, as well as the remarkable qualities of at-risk plants such as Goldenseal, Black Cohosh, and Bloodroot. Learn practical methods for sustainably growing and protecting these precious forest medicines.

                Whether you’re an herbalist, Nature enthusiast, or someone seeking to strengthen your bond with the wild, this webinar will illuminate the beauty and healing power of the natural world.

                Click here for Kate’s Printable Forest Resource List

                Kate Gilday is a clinical herbalist, flower essence practitioner and creator, Ayurvedic lifestyle consultant and herbal teacher working and living in the foothills of the Adirondack Park. She is the founder of Woodland Essence, a forest ( and more) botanicals and flower essence company that she began 30 years ago with her husband Don Babineau that over time has developed a focus on Lyme, tick-borne infections and support for those challenged by chronic conditions.  

                Healing with Flowers is her delight and passion, along with tending her relationship with the woodlands she loves so well. Songwriter of love songs to the plants, earth and life, she is trying her best to write and share more via her personal website  with an eye to more.

                Conversation Series Schedule

                Connecting with the Essence of the Forest, March 11th
                Featuring Kate Gilday, Clinical Herbalist and Flower Essence Practitioner

                Forest as Community: The Ecology of Relationships, March 18
                Featuring Luke Cannon, Ethnobotanist, Naturalist and Teacher

                Forest Folklore, April 1st
                Featuring Katherine Parker, Forest Farmer, Storyteller and Guide

                Cultural Fire, April 8th
                Featuring Elizabeth Azuzz, Karuk Cultural Fire Practitioner

                Defending the Elwha’s Legacy Forests, April 29th
                Featuring Tashena Francis- Lower Elwha Klallam Tribal Citizen, Freddie Lane-Lummi Nation Elder, and Elizabeth Dunne- Earth Law Center

                Our Green Heart: The Soul and Science of Forests, May 6th
                Featuring Diana Beresford-Kroger, Botanist, Biochemist, Biologist and Poet of the Global Forest

                Trees, Ethics, and Planetary Wellbeing, May 20th
                Featuring Suzi Steer, Ecological Ethicist, Earth Systems Connector and Citizen-Led Reforestation Champion

                Thank you to our Forest Conversation Series Sponsors:

                Enter your name and email address below to register for the ONE Forest Conversation Series.

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                  ONE Members' Community Meet-up: Kitchen Magic Remembering the Sacred Art of Nourishing

                  ONE Members' Community Meet-up: Kitchen Magic Remembering the Sacred Art of Nourishing

                  The main topic of conversation will be an experiential, interactive, and fun sharing of recipes and sacred kitchen rituals. Let’s gather together to create an improvisational soup where everyone brings something from nature to our zoom kitchen cook-fire. We will imagine the simmering pot, the sizzle, scent, juiciness, creaminess, tanginess, color and environment in which the plants grew.

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                  Grounding in Nature, Restoring Balance with Pam Montgomery, Deb Soule and Myra Jackson

                  Grounding in Nature, Restoring Balance with Pam Montgomery, Deb Soule and Myra Jackson

                  Follow us on Spotify, Apple iTunes, and other platforms to easily download and listen to the Nature Evolutionaries podcast channel.

                  Reconnect. Rebalance. Restore.

                  Start the New Year by reconnecting with what truly matters.

                  Join renowned teachers Pam Montgomery, Deb Soule, and Myra Jackson for a transformative free webinar exploring how grounding in Nature can enhance your health, well-being, and resilience.

                  Together, we’ll delve into the profound interconnection between people and Nature, discovering how embracing natural cycles can restore balance not just for ourselves but for all life. Gain practical insights and inspiration to help you move through 2025 with clarity and purpose.

                  This free event is part of the Drinking from the Well: Women Restoring Balance and Knowing series and marks the final day to take advantage of our early bird registration price for the full course.

                  Deb Soule is an herbalist, gardener, teacher, and author of The Woman’s Handbook of Healing Herbs, How to Move Like a Gardener, and The Healing Garden. Deb began organic gardening and studying the medicinal uses of herbs at age 16.

                  Her faith in the healing qualities of plants includes a desire to make organic herbs easily accessible to women and families living in rural areas. In the fall of 1985, with her first mail-order catalog and a small selection of herbal extracts and teas, Deb launched Avena Botanicals, an apothecary that now serves thousands of customers.

                  Pam Montgomery has been investigating plants and their intelligent spiritual nature for more than three decades. As an author, teacher, and practitioner, she has passionately embraced her partnership with the plants who are guiding us in our spiritual evolution.

                  She is the author of Partner Earth: A Spiritual Ecology and the best-selling Plant Spirit Healing: A Guide to Working with Plant Consciousness. She teaches internationally on plant spirit healing, spiritual ecology, and people as Nature Evolutionaries.

                  Pam is the founder of ONE. She has dedicated herself to co-creative partnership with all of life and feels the Organization of Nature Evolutionaries is a way to make this partnership manifest.

                  You can connect with Pam here: 

                  Earth Elder, Myra L. Jackson has held a diverse array of hefty careers in engineering, holographic organizational development and academia. While those experiences might seem divergent from her deep mystical roots, she found that her early training in electrical theory, physics and music informed her inner and outer life. Today, that training provides useful metaphorical language in discussing the physics of now that points to our intrinsic bond with Nature.

                  Today, Myra carries the title of Diplomat of the Biosphere with a primary focus on transforming our societal relationship with Nature through public policy approaches that recognize Nature's intrinsic rights to exist whole along with all Her lifeforms. In listening to the Earth, Myra strives to fully realize the aspirational premise of the luminous thread she carries within the web of life (Intra-Being).

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                  Can Plants Save the Planet?  with Rosalee de la Forêt and Pam Montgomery

                  Can Plants Save the Planet? with Rosalee de la Forêt and Pam Montgomery

                  Follow us on Spotify, Apple iTunes, and other platforms to easily download and listen to the Nature Evolutionaries podcast channel.

                  Each year, as we conclude another season of dynamic learning and ceremony with our Nature Evolutionary community, we return to the question, “Can plants save the planet?” Gathering with plant and Earth-centered voices, we explore how plants and trees—these ancient and wise green beings—have the long view and continue to thrive in our ever-changing world. 

                  The vast bio-intelligence of plants and trees is no longer seen as a fringe idea but is now recognized as a well-researched truth. Recent discoveries are illuminating how plant consciousness affects our lives and the life of the planet in ways we could hardly have imagined just a few short years ago. 

                  This year, renowned herbalist Rosalee de la Forêt joins ONE founder Pam Montgomery to explore this powerful topic. Together, they’ll share stories from decades of relationship with the green beings, including deeply healing experiences, “wow” moments, and actions we can take to support a thriving world. 

                  Be a part of this inspiring conversation. Your participation and support make ONE’s work possible as we deepen our partnership with Nature for a life-giving future.

                  Rosalee de la Forêt is passionate about inspiring people to turn to the healing gifts of medicinal plants and Nature connection.

                  She is a registered herbalist and the author of the bestselling book Alchemy of Herbs: Transforming Everyday Ingredients into Foods and Remedies that Heal and co-author of Wild Remedies: How to Forage Healing Foods and Craft Your Own Herbal Medicine.

                  Rosalee and her husband live in a log cabin in the northeastern cascades of Washington state, where she’s an avid gardener and excels at cuddling up with her cat and her latest knitting project.

                  You can learn more about Rosalee by visiting her website,, and her Instagram profile.

                  Pam Montgomery has been investigating plants and their intelligent spiritual nature for more than three decades. As an author, teacher, and practitioner, she has passionately embraced her partnership with the plants who are guiding us in our spiritual evolution.

                  She is the author of Partner Earth: A Spiritual Ecology and the best-selling Plant Spirit Healing: A Guide to Working with Plant Consciousness. She teaches internationally on plant spirit healing, spiritual ecology, and people as Nature Evolutionaries.

                  Pam is the founder of ONE. She has dedicated herself to co-creative partnership with all of life and feels the Organization of Nature Evolutionaries is a way to make this partnership manifest.

                  You can connect with Pam here: 

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                  ONE Members' Community Meet-up: Rejuvenation and Connection, Community Tea

                  ONE Members' Community Meet-up: Rejuvenation and Connection, Community Tea

                   We give thanks and deep gratitude, inviting others to join us at the hearth, lighting candles within our souls to prepare for an inner journey. Maybe it is with dance, or maybe deep rest, or a bit of both. Come join us for a delightful meetup and community tea ~ rejuvenating body and spirit!

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                  Earth Wisdom and Plant Magic with Robin Rose Bennett

                  Earth Wisdom and Plant Magic with Robin Rose Bennett

                  Follow us on Spotify, Apple iTunes, and other platforms to easily download and listen to the Nature Evolutionaries podcast channel.

                  Green witches love the Earth and know the Earth loves us. We know that plants have secrets to share and gifts to give, so we learn all we can about nature, especially herbs, flowers, and trees. We make a choice to respect and connect with the abundance and strength of the Earth, which helps us grow stronger and more confident. Plants guide us to love ourselves, inside and out, and to take care of our minds and bodies. We like to help plants grow, but when we pay close attention to them, we realize they grow us.
                  — Robin Rose Bennett

                  The Live webinar is at 12:00 pm PST/3:00 pm EST on Tuesday, November 12th

                  Join us for a profound journey into the heart of Earth wisdom with herbalist and storyteller Robin Rose Bennett. In this special webinar, Robin will lead us in honoring the ancient, living intelligence of the Earth through the magic of plants. Whether you’re a seasoned herbalist or a curious beginner, you’ll discover new ways to deepen your relationship with plants as sacred allies, healers, and guides.

                  We’ll explore how plants connect us to ancestral wisdom, helping us feel rooted in our bodies, communities, and the natural world. Robin will share rituals and practical insights for working with plants to awaken our inner strength, inspire joy, and—most importantly—pass this wisdom on to the next generation.

                  Learn how to weave these practices into everyday life with children, grandchildren, and students, nurturing their natural curiosity and connection to the green world.

                  Robin Rose Bennett is a story-teller, writer, and herbalist, offering classes in Herbal Medicine and EarthSpirit Teachings since 1986 - at herb conferences, festivals, medical schools, and most joyously, outside with the plants. Robin Rose shares herbal medicine with gratitude for the loving generosity of the plants and the magic, mystery, and beauty of the web of life.

                  She is the author of: Healing Magic - A Green Witch Guidebook to Conscious Living, The Gift of Healing Herbs - Plant Medicines and Home Remedies for a Vibrantly Healthy Life,  A Young Green Witch’s Guide to Plant Magic - Rituals and Recipes from Nature, and A Green Witch's Pocket Book of Wisdom-Big Little Life Tips.  

                  To read more about Robin’s work, please visit

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                  Becoming a Good Relative with Hilary Giovale

                  Becoming a Good Relative with Hilary Giovale

                  Mother Earth brings us to life. She nurtures us. She breathes us. My ancestral journey has taught me the importance of connecting with the land, to learn directly from the natural wisdom that surrounds us.
                  — Hilary Giovale

                  Join us for a compelling interview with Hilary Giovale, a writer and community organizer who is deeply engaged in the work of truth, healing, and repair. Hilary shares her personal journey as a ninth-generation American settler coming to terms with her ancestral legacies and the responsibilities they carry. We explore her process of ancestral repair, her solidarity with Indigenous-led movements, and how her relationship with the land where she lives informs her activism and personal growth.

                  In this conversation, Hilary discusses the challenges and insights she has encountered as she navigates the complex terrain of unlearning white fragility and committing to reparations. She offers a candid look at how these experiences have transformed her understanding of kinship, responsibility, and resilience. Expect an open and vulnerable dialogue that goes beyond intellectual analysis, inviting us into the realms of intuition, dreams, and practical rituals for healing.

                  This interview is an opportunity to hear firsthand from Hilary about her ongoing work to address the harms of colonialism and racial hierarchy. Whether you're beginning your own journey or have been on this path for some time, Hilary’s reflections will offer valuable perspectives and practical tools for those dedicated to creating a more just and equitable world.

                  Hilary Giovale is a ninth-generation American settler descended from the ancient Celtic, Germanic, and Nordic peoples of northwestern Europe. She lives at the foot of a sacred mountain, a being of kinship, that stands within the traditional homelands of Diné, Hopi, Havasupai, Hualapai, Yavapai, Apache, and Paiute Peoples, as well as several Pueblos. Her relationships with this land inform her life as a mother, community organizer, writer, and philanthropist. In 2015, Hilary became aware of her ancestors’ longstanding presence as American settlers. Since then, she has been living a process of inquiry that includes ancestral repair, solidarity with Indigenous-led movements, reconnection with Earth, apology, forgiveness, and reparations. She is the author of Becoming a Good Relative: Calling White Settlers toward Truth, Healing and Repair (now available for pre-order).  Hilary also co-facilitates the Rekindling Ancestral Memory circle hosted by ONE. To read more about her work, please visit

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                  Cultivating Resilience: A Soil Dialogue with Hunter Lovins

                  Cultivating Resilience: A Soil Dialogue with Hunter Lovins

                  Follow us on Spotify, Apple iTunes, and other platforms to easily download and listen to THIS EPISODE ON the Nature Evolutionaries podcast channel.

                  The Live webinar is at 12:00 pm PDT/3:00 pm EDT on Tuesday, September 17th

                  Join us for the fifth session of our Soil Conversations series, featuring a compelling discussion with Hunter Lovins, renowned environmentalist, author, and champion of sustainable development. This session promises to delve into the intricate relationships between soil health, climate resilience, and sustainable agriculture. Lovins will share her wealth of knowledge on how nurturing our soil can lead to a regenerative future, offering insights drawn from her extensive experience and pioneering work in the field.

                  In this conversation, we will explore practical strategies for improving soil health and enhancing ecosystem services. Lovins will discuss the role of innovative agricultural practices, such as agroforestry and holistic management, in building resilient food systems. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of how healthy soils contribute to carbon sequestration, water retention, and biodiversity, and how these benefits can be realized on both local and global scales.

                  This session is an invaluable opportunity to hear from one of the leading voices in sustainability and to engage in a dialogue about the future of our soils. Hunter Lovins’ unique perspective, grounded in decades of activism and research, will provide a rich context for understanding the critical importance of soil stewardship in addressing the pressing environmental challenges of our time.

                  L. Hunter Lovins is President of Natural Capitalism Solutions. NCS helps companies, communities and countries implement more regenerative practices profitably.  

                  A professor of sustainable business management at Fordham University, Hunter teaches entrepreneuring and coaches social enterprises around the world. A Managing Partner of NOW Partners, she is also a board member of Aquion and several non-profits. Hunter has worked in energy, regenerative agriculture, climate policy, sustainable development and resilience for 55 years.

                  A consultant to industries including International Finance Corporation, Unilever, Walmart, the United Nations and Royal Dutch Shell, as well as sustainability champions Interface, Patagonia and Clif Bar, Hunter has briefed heads of state, the UN, and the US Congress, leaders of the numerous local governments, the Pentagon, and officials in 30 countries.

                  Author of 17 books – including the recently released A Finer Future: Creating an Economy in Service to Life, which won a Nautilus Award – Hunter has won dozens of awards, including the European Sustainability Pioneer award and the Right Livelihood Award. Time Magazine recognized her as a Millennium Hero for the Planet, and Newsweek called her the Green Business Icon.

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                  Bringing Our Community’s Soils Back to Life: The Soil Food Web with Dr. Elaine Ingham

                  Bringing Our Community’s Soils Back to Life: The Soil Food Web with Dr. Elaine Ingham

                  Follow us on Spotify, Apple iTunes, and other platforms to easily download and listen to the Nature Evolutionaries podcast channel.

                  Join us for an engaging discussion featuring Dr. Elaine Ingham, a renowned soil microbiologist and founder of Soil Food Web. Dr. Ingham will share her insights about the fascinating world beneath our feet and the community of healthy soil ecosystems. She will discuss the vital role that microorganisms play in maintaining soil health and how they can dramatically impact plant growth, nutrient cycles, and overall ecosystem resilience.

                  Dr. Ingham's extensive experience and pioneering research make her an expert in understanding how we can collaborate with the power of the soil food web to improve soil health and promote regenerative practices. Whether you're a gardener, farmer, or simply a Nature enthusiast, this discussion will provide practical insights into how you can support soil health in your own backyard or community. Topics will include composting, natural soil amendments, and methods to enhance microbial diversity for a thriving garden or farm.

                  Don't miss this opportunity to participate in a lively discussion and deepen your connection with the Earth alongside one of the leading experts in soil biology. Dr. Elaine's passion for soil and her practical advice will empower you to become a steward of the soil, contributing to a healthier planet.

                  This interview promises to be an inspiring and educational experience for everyone interested in nurturing the life beneath our feet.

                  Dr. Elaine Ingham serves as the Soil Food Web School's Founder, Principal Ambassador, and Science and Research Advisor.

                  Dr. Ingham has advanced our knowledge about the soil food web for over 4 decades. Widely recognized as the world’s foremost soil biologist, she’s passionate about empowering ordinary people to bring the soils in their community back to life.

                  Dr. Elaine’s™ Soil Food Web Approach has been used to successfully restore the ecological functions of soils on six continents. The courses offered by Dr. Elaine’s™ Soil Food Web School have been designed for people with no relevant experience – making them accessible to individuals who wish to retrain and to begin a meaningful and impactful career in an area that will help to secure the survival of humans and other species.

                  Dr. Ingham began her college career at St. Olaf College, where she graduated cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts. She earned her Master of Science in Marine Biology from Texas A&M and her Ph.D. in Soil Microbiology from Colorado State in 1981. From there, she completed her post-doc at the University of Georgia Institute of Ecology before serving as an Instructor and later an Associate Professor for many years at Oregon State University. During her travels, she served as the first President of the Soil Ecology Society, the Program Director for the Ecological Society of America, and a member of the American Society of Microbiology.

                  In addition to starting Soil Foodweb Inc. 26 years ago, Dr. Ingham owned and then sold the Soil Foodweb Institute in Australia and served as Chief Scientist at the Rodale Institute. Dr. Ingham is the global leader in the Soil Food Web sciences and is highly respected worldwide for her achievements.

                  In 2019 she teamed up with Luke Louka and created The Soil Food Web School (SFWS). While she was satisfied with an LMS-based instructional approach to begin with, she has been an advocate for being in contact with students. Even though the school has grown to over 3,000 students in three short years, Dr. Ingham still responds personally to email requests, student forum questions, and course content creation. Using technology to its fullest, Dr. Ingham hosts global webinars and conferences with some of the world's premier experts in soil science and does so for free both for students and the general global audience to help bring awareness of the gifts possible through farming without the use of pesticides and inorganic chemicals.

                  Dr. Ingham also opened Soil Foodweb Incorporated in 2020 to serve as her research and consultation company, where people can reach out to hire Dr. Elaine and her research team directly. To reach out, visit or email

                  Upcoming Soil Webinar

                  September 17th
                  Cultivating Resilience: A Soil Dialogue Featuring Hunter Lovins

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                  Soil, Climate and Community with Dr. Asmeret Asefaw Berhe

                  Soil, Climate and Community with Dr. Asmeret Asefaw Berhe

                  Follow us on Spotify, Apple iTunes, and other platforms to easily download and listen to the Nature Evolutionaries podcast channel.

                  And we all can have a role to play here. We can start by treating the soil with the respect that it deserves: respect for its ability as the basis of all life on earth, respect for its ability to serve as a carbon bank and respect for its ability to control our climate.
                  — Dr. Asmeret Asefaw Berhe

                  The Live webinar is at 12:00 pm PDT/3:00 pm EDT on Tuesday, August 27th

                  Join us for an insightful conversation with the brilliant Dr. Asmeret Asefaw Berhe, a leading soil scientist who has pioneered groundbreaking studies on soil’s role in regulating the Earth's climate. In this third session of our Soil Webinar Series, Dr. Berhe will cover both the science of soil and its impact on our everyday lives, explaining how soil plays a crucial role in controlling the climate and discussing the important connections between soil and human communities. Her informed experience from decades of research will help us understand the vital and unique role soil plays in keeping our planet's ecosystems in balance.

                  Dr. Berhe's work and easy-to-understand insights highlight the two-way relationship between soil and people. She will discuss how our human activities affect soil health and, in turn, how soil impacts the lives of all beings. Dr. Berhe will also share practical solutions that you can put into action today to better partner with soil to help minimize climate change and create sustainable communities.

                  Learn how we can all use informed soil practices to build a stronger, more resilient environment for life! 

                  Dr. Asmeret Asefaw Berhe is a Professor of Soil Biogeochemistry and Falasco Chair in Earth Sciences and Geology at the University of California, Merced. She previously served as the Director of the US Department of Energy’s Office of Science.

                  Her research interest lies at the intersection of soil science, geochemistry, global change science, and political ecology. Prof. Berhe’s work seeks to improve our understanding of how the soil system regulates the earth’s climate and the dynamic two-way relationship between soil and human communities.

                  Numerous awards and honors have recognized her scholarly contributions and efforts to improve equity and inclusion in STEM. She is an Elected member of the US National Academy of Engineering, a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union and the Geological Society of America, and a member of the inaugural class of the US National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine, New Voices in Science, Engineering, and Medicine. You can learn more about Dr. Berhe and her work on her website:

                  Upcoming Soil Webinars

                  September 10th
                  Bringing Our Community's Soils Back to Life: The Soil Food Web Featuring Dr. Elaine Ingham

                  September 17th
                  Cultivating Resilience: A Soil Dialogue Featuring Hunter Lovins

                  We look forward to your continued participation and Soil exploration with us!

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                  Living Soil with Briana Alfaro and Danielle Peláez of Soul Fire Farm

                  Living Soil with Briana Alfaro and Danielle Peláez of Soul Fire Farm

                  Follow us on Spotify, Apple iTunes, and other platforms to easily download and listen to the Nature Evolutionaries podcast channel.

                  Join us for a compelling live webinar interview with Briana Alfaro and Danielle Peláez from Soul Fire Farm as we dig into the rich and essential world of soil as well as the profound relationship we share with soil. This engaging discussion will cover:

                  • Is Soil Alive?: Taking a look at the composition and nature of soil and perception of soil and its vital role in sustaining life on Earth.

                  • Soul Fire Farm's Soil Practices: An in-depth look at how Soul Fire Farm’s regenerative practices in caring for their soil promote biodiversity and ecological balance.

                  • Caring for and Honoring Our Soil: Practical advice and insights on nurturing and respecting the soil in our own landscapes.

                  Briana and Danielle will share their expertise, experiences, and ways that Soul Fire Farm partners with the land to help the soil remain vibrant and life-giving. This webinar promises to be a rich exchange of knowledge, fostering a deeper connection to the Earth beneath our feet and inspiring actionable steps to support soil health in our own communities.

                  This is a wonderful opportunity to learn from two passionate experts in regenerative agriculture and soil stewardship!

                  About Soul Fire Farm: Soul Fire Farm is an Afro-Indigenous centered community farm committed to uprooting racism and seeding sovereignty in the food system. We raise and distribute life-giving food as a means to end food apartheid. With deep reverence for the land and wisdom of our ancestors, we work to reclaim our collective right to belong to the earth and to have agency in the food system. We bring diverse communities together on this healing land to share skills on sustainable agriculture, natural building, spiritual activism, health, and environmental justice. We are training the next generation of activist-farmers and strengthening the movements for food sovereignty and community self-determination. To learn more about Soul Fire Farm and their fantastic work, visit their website at

                  Check out the great soil resources they’ve shared below.

                  Briana Alfaro, Soul Fire Farm Administrative Director of Programs & Partnerships, (she/her) is a multiracial, Mexican and Indigenous grower, educator, writer, and activist living in unceded Gayogohó:nǫ˺ territory, in Ithaca, NY. She co-creates educational offerings and supports coalition work as Director of Programs & Partnerships at Soul Fire Farm. Her passion for land stewardship and agriculture is rooted in a long-held infatuation with food and cooking; in her family’s experience as campesino farmers and US farm workers; and in a love of nature cultivated by family camping trips as a child. She has worked with National Young Farmers Coalition, Northeast Organic Farming Association of NY, and San Diego Food System Alliance. She holds a M.S. Food Studies from Syracuse University and serves on the Board of the Youth Farm Project

                  Danielle Peláez, Soul Fire Farm Education Manager, (she/they || ella/elle) is a queer farmer, educator, and land tender. A lover of plantitas, fungi, human and non-human beings, Danielle dreams of serving her community through facilitating (re)connection to the soil, drawing on her roots in the western highlands of Guatemala. As the Farm Education Manager, Dani co-creates and co-leads earth-based educational offerings. They love being outside in all forms (gardening, hiking, foraging, napping in hammocks) and sharing meals with friends.


                  Upcoming Soil Webinars

                  August 27th
                  Soil, Carbon and Community Featuring Dr. Asmeret Asefaw Berhe

                  September 10th
                  Bringing Our Community's Soils Back to Life: The Soil Food Web Featuring Dr. Elaine Ingham

                  September 17th
                  Cultivating Resilience: A Soil Dialogue Featuring Hunter Lovins

                  We look forward to your continued participation and Soil exploration with us!

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                  For the Love of Soil: Compost Power and Hemp Cultivation with Tammi Sweet 

                  For the Love of Soil: Compost Power and Hemp Cultivation with Tammi Sweet 

                  Follow us on Spotify, Apple iTunes, and other platforms to easily download and listen to the Nature Evolutionaries podcast channel.

                  The Live webinar is at 9:00 am PDT/12:00 pm EDT on Tuesday, August 13th

                  Join us for a lively and informative conversation with dynamic herbalist, farmer, and educator Tammi Sweet. Her passion for soil and her perspective that "Compost is God" set the tone for a fun and insightful discussion. Discover the alchemical magic of composting, where kitchen scraps and yard waste transform into fertile, life-giving soil. 

                  We’ll discuss practical tips for creating and maintaining a compost system that works wonders. Tammi will explain how organic matter turns into rich soil, boosting fertility and plant growth. Whether you're a composting newbie or a seasoned pro, Tammi's enthusiasm and years of farming experience will help you see composting in a whole new light.

                  Tammi will also share about growing hemp and its close relationship with healthy soil. Learn how this versatile plant thrives with nutrient-rich compost and how it, in turn, enhances soil health. Tammi's holistic, knowledgeable, and practical take on soil, compost, and hemp cultivation will leave you inspired and ready to get your hands dirty. 

                  This is the first webinar in our Soils Series, culminating in our Soil Gratitude Ceremony. Join us on this journey of discovery and celebration of the Earth’s incredible processes. Come and discover why "Compost is God" and how you can contribute to the health of our planet through soil and compost practices.

                  See you there!

                  Tammi Sweet loves to teach. It’s her superpower. She has a magical ability to connect with almost anyone when teaching and help them understand complex material. 

                  For over 30 years, Tammi has shared her gift of teaching at various colleges, massage schools and herbal schools throughout the country. Her background in physiology makes her an invaluable resource to developing herbalists and massage therapists alike, who want to deepen their foundation as practitioners. 

                  In addition to her physiology expertise, Tammi is also a practitioner and teacher of herbal medicine. She is deeply influenced by her studies with accomplished herbalists, including Rosemary Gladstar, Pam Montgomery, Tom Brown, Jr. and especially Stephen Buhner’s pioneering work on the heart as an organ of perception.

                  In 2007, Tammi set out to “combine all the things I love into one curriculum and teach whatever I wanted in ways that made sense--on my own terms.” So, she and her partner Kris Miller launched the Heartstone Center for Earth Essentials.

                  At Heartstone, Tammi and Kris run their Herbal Apprenticeship. Tammi also offers online courses that integrate physiology and plant medicine with Tammi’s love of teaching, such as her signature course Anatomy & Physiology for Herbalists

                  The other branch of her teaching is Cannabis. In 2019 Tammi offered her first online course in Medicine Making with Cannabis. 2020 brought about her six month long Online Cannabis Grow course. Teaching these two courses led to publishing two books; The first; The Wholistic Healing Guide to Cannabis and her second, The Beginner’s Guide to Growing Cannabis.

                  Tammi’s vision is for Heartstone to co-create a space with the land, where people can come "home," take refuge and find the sacred both on the land and within themselves and facilitate healing. When not teaching, Tammi loves to spend time alone and ‘recharge’ by exploring the land, writing, and hiking.

                  Upcoming Soil Webinars

                  August 20th
                  Living Soil Featuring Briana Alfaro and Danielle Peláez of Soul Fire Farm

                  August 27th
                  Soil, Carbon and Community Featuring Dr. Asmeret Asefaw Berhe

                  September 10th
                  Bringing Our Community's Soils Back to Life: The Soil Food Web Featuring Dr. Elaine Ingham

                  September 17th
                  Cultivating Resilience: A Soil Dialogue Featuring Hunter Lovins

                  We look forward to your continued participation and Soil exploration with us!

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                  ONE Members' Community Meet-up: Kinship of Plants and People

                  ONE Members' Community Meet-up: Kinship of Plants and People

                  By inwardly participating in the formative processes of plant life, we are realizing something about our own beingness. Using our sense perceptions, can we listen carefully enough to hear Nature’s language in the surging, flowing, ripening, spiraling, integrating, creating, composting...It’s coaxing us into a meditative and contemplative cycle that carries us from seed to roots, stems to leaves, and blossoms to fruit.

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                  Partnering with Beavers for a Resilient Future with Jakob Shockey

                  Partnering with Beavers for a Resilient Future with Jakob Shockey


                  Join us in discussion with Jakob Shockey, co-founder of Project Beaver, for an insightful webinar that explores a pivotal question, "How can we move towards coexistence and partnership with Nature even in places where we as humans have dramatically altered the landscapes?"  Looking to Nature and co-creative partnership, we will delve into the role of beavers as natural engineers and their crucial contributions to environmental health and sustainability.

                  During the webinar, you’ll learn about the critical ecological benefits that beavers provide. They create and maintain wetlands, essential for a diverse range of flora and fauna, which serve as natural water filters, reduce flooding risks, and help in carbon sequestration efforts. Jakob will discuss how the structures built by beavers, such as dams, can prevent flash flooding and reduce soil erosion, essential for restoring degraded landscapes and repairing damaged watersheds.

                  Despite their importance, beavers are often seen as nuisances. This session will challenge such views and highlight the need for a shift towards coexistence and appreciation of beavers as valuable partners in our environmental efforts.

                  Engage with us to explore how co-creative and co-existence efforts with beavers can lead to a more sustainable and resilient future for all life.

                  Jakob Shockey is a professional wildlife biologist, entrepreneur, land steward, and storyteller. His work focuses on restoring the natural process and order of resilient habitat, its wildlife, and the complex interrelationship with humans. He has been working professionally in Oregon’s streams, rivers and wetlands for over a decade. He is the foremost authority in mitigating beaver conflicts with human infrastructure in Oregon, through his company Beaver State Wildlife Solutions. Jakob also co-founded and leads Project Beaver, a nonprofit dedicated to empowering humans to partner with beavers and value their works.

                  Jakob lives in the Siskiyou Mountains of Southwestern Oregon, with his wife and their three children along the same creek he grew up swimming in. While Jakob remembers cannonballing into pools that teamed with young coho, that stream now goes dry every summer, and instead of swimming, his kids play with powdery rocks. That shift in baselines for what is perceived as “normal” in just one generation has animated his work.

                  Jakob values community, truth, awareness, and grace. He is a clear-eyed optimist, working for resilient human and non-human habitat with tools like strong inference and evolutionary theory. He flies a paraglider, climbs big trees, volunteers with Search and Rescue, plays the fiddle, and once gentled a wild horse, which he took with him to college. He also sings to himself, loves flying kites and can’t spell.

                  To learn more about Jakob and Project Beaver, visit their website at:


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                  Weeds to Wellness: Strengthening Your Connection to Nature with Rosalee de la Forêt

                  Weeds to Wellness: Strengthening Your Connection to Nature with Rosalee de la Forêt

                  Embark on a captivating journey of herbal exploration with renowned herbalist Rosalee de la Forêt in our upcoming webinar. Join us as we unravel the untold stories of the often-overlooked plants that thrive in your local environment, proving to be powerful allies on your path to well-being and connection to Nature.

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                  Exploring Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary with Keith Laakkonen

                  Exploring Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary with Keith Laakkonen

                  Follow us on SPOTIFY, APPLE or GOOGLE PODCAST to easily download and listen to the Nature Evolutionaries Podcast channel.

                  An insightful webinar featuring Keith Laakkonen, Sanctuary Director at Audubon’s corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary in Southwest Florida.  In this engaging conversation, Keith delves into Corkscrew's unique ecology, focusing on its old-growth cypress, Ghost Orchids, Wood Storks, and the significance of prescribed fire in maintaining the delicate balance of this unique sanctuary. Discover the fascinating history of the Everglades and the impact of development and alteration of this landscape through the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

                  We explore ongoing restoration and conservation efforts in the region and emphasize the crucial role wetlands play in maintaining ecological balance and the health of the entire region. Keith, who grew up in Southwest Florida, also shares his experiences amidst the captivating landscapes, the inspiration that fuels his connection to the land and water, and the journey that led him to his current role.

                  This webinar offers a rare opportunity to connect with the heart of this natural wonder and gain insights into the passion and commitment driving conservation efforts in the area.

                  Keith Laakkonen, as Sanctuary Director of Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary, oversees the 13,450 acres in the Western Everglades. Leading a dedicated team of 25 people, he focuses on land conservation, research, policy, and public engagement. 

                  Laakkonen is Audubon's spokesperson for the Western Everglades. He collaborates closely with Audubon Florida's leadership to reach conservation goals in the region, and he and his team are dedicated to restoring and protecting the Sanctuary's ecology. 

                  With over 20 years of environmental management experience, Laakkonen has held distinguished roles, including Director at the 110,000-acre Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve and a regional administrator for the Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection at the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. His accolades include the Guy Bradley award from Audubon Florida, earned during his tenure as the Environmental Sciences Coordinator for the Town of Fort Myers Beach. 

                  A Southwest Florida native and avid birder, Laakkonen's educational background includes a Bachelor of Science in wildlife ecology from the University of Florida and a master's degree from Florida Gulf Coast University with a focus on sea-level rise policy. His diverse interests encompass watershed management, environmental policy, wildlife ecology, prescribed fire management, hydrologic restoration, exotic plant and animal management, as well as environmental education and outreach.

                  To learn more about Keith and Audubon’s Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary, visit their website at:


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                  ONE Members' Community Meet-up: Flowers Breaking Through the Cement of Culture

                  ONE Members' Community Meet-up: Flowers Breaking Through the Cement of Culture

                  Let’s explore how we are actively lifting climate stress from our human nervous systems and birthing what has always been fundamental to our being: loving-kindness and enjoyment. With the vision of a flower that needs only the basic elements to thrive, can we learn to simplify the narrative and become active participants in an ever-changing world that includes all beings?

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                  Activating for Earth Day Every Day

                  Activating for Earth Day Every Day

                  The Live webinar is at 9:00 am PDT/12:00 pm EDT on Sunday, April 21st.

                  Join us for "Activating for Earth Day Every Day," a special fundraising webinar featuring renowned herbalists, teachers, and authors Pam Montgomery and Kat Maier. They'll share personal tips they use daily to deepen their lived connection. Practical, easy, and deeply insightful, you'll be guaranteed to be inspired to deepen your own connection and experience profound Earth partnership every day.  

                  Whether through plant connection, herbal remedies, or gratitude practices, discover how small daily actions can make a significant impact on our planet's well-being.  Gain personal tips for immersing yourself in Nature and deepening your connection to the Earth as Pam and Kat share personal insights and practical tips. 

                  What's more, this is a fundraising event for ONE, and your contributions have the power to go even further with a generous $2500 matching grant in place. Every dollar donated could be doubled, amplifying your support for vital Nature partnership education programs like our free webinar series and weekly inspiring Earth Writes emails.  And, as always, your donation is tax-deductible.

                  Register now to secure your spot and donate now to double your impact!

                  Kat Maier RH, (AHG) is the founder and director of Sacred Plant Traditions, a center for herbal studies in Charlottesville, Virginia. One of her greatest accomplishments has been to train many clinical herbalists who have gone onto to begin other schools, apothecaries or open their own practices. In clinical practice for over 30 years, Kat teaches internationally at universities, conferences, and herbal schools. She is a founding member of Botanica Mobile Clinic, a nonprofit dedicated to providing accessible herbal medicine to local communities. The Botanica clinic arose out of her school’s free clinic which was one of the first on the East Coast and served as a template for other herbalism schools. She began her study of plants as a Peace Corps volunteer, and her training as a Physician’s Assistant allows her to weave the language of biomedicine into her practice of traditional energetic herbalism. She is coauthor of Bush Medicine of San Salvador Island, Bahamas, and author of Energetic Herbalism. As a passionate steward of the plants, Kat also served as president of United Plant Savers and was the recipient of the organization’s first Medicinal Plant Conservation Award.

                  You can connect with Kat here: Website, Sacred Plant Traditions Website, Sacred Plant Traditions on Facebook

                  Pam Montgomery has been investigating plants and their intelligent spiritual nature for more than three decades. As an author, teacher, and practitioner, she has passionately embraced her partnership with the plants who are guiding us in our spiritual evolution.

                  She is the author of Partner Earth: A Spiritual Ecology and the best-selling Plant Spirit Healing: A Guide to Working with Plant Consciousness. She teaches internationally on plant spirit healing, spiritual ecology, and people as Nature Evolutionaries.

                  Pam is the founder of ONE. She has dedicated herself to co-creative partnership with all of life and feels the Organization of Nature Evolutionaries is a way to make this partnership manifest.

                  You can connect with Pam here: 

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                  Summoned by the Earth with Cynthia Jurs

                  Summoned by the Earth with Cynthia Jurs

                  Follow us on SPOTIFY, APPLE or GOOGLE PODCAST to easily download and listen to the Nature Evolutionaries Podcast channel.

                  Join us for this enlightening webinar as Cynthia Jurs shares her story of Sacred Earth Activism and inspires us to ask ourselves this question:

                  How can we bring healing and protection to the Earth?

                  In 1990 Cynthia climbed a path high in the Himalayas to meet an “old wise man in a cave”—a venerated lama from Nepal. In response to her question, the old lama gave her a formidable assignment based on an ancient practice from Tibet: she must procure earth treasure vases made of clay and potent medicines, fill them with prayers and symbolic offerings, and bury them around the world where healing is called for.

                  Ultimately, the path from the wise man’s mountain cave winds around the world, bringing Cynthia into relationship with elders, activists, diverse ecosystems and communities. One by one, as the humble clay pots are planted in the Earth, the power of an ancient technology of the sacred comes alive and a global community grows to protect the Earth and learn how to become vessels of healing.

                  As many of us wonder what we can do in this eleventh hour, Cynthia offers a riveting account of one woman’s response to the challenges we face, and invites all of us to become “sacred activists” heeding the call of the Earth.

                  Cynthia Jurs became a dharma teacher(Dharmacharya)in the Order of Interbeing of ZenMaster Thich Nhat Hanhin in 1994 and, in 2018, was made an honorary lama in the Vajrayana tradition of Tibetan Buddhism in recognition of her dedication to carrying out the Earth TreasureVase practice. Inspired by thirty years of pilgrimage into diverse communities and ecosystems, today Cynthia is forging a new path of dharma in service to Gaia—a path deeply rooted in the feminine, honoring indigenous cultures, and devoted to collective awakening. Cynthia leads meditations, retreats, courses, and pilgrimages to support the emergence of a global community of engaged and embodied sacred activists. She lives at the foot of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains in northern New Mexico, where she is often found walking in the wilderness with her dog or gardening with her husband. You can find her offerings and join the global healing community at

                  If Cynthia’s webinar activated you, and you would like to participate in Gaia Mandala’s Full Moon Global Healing Meditation Series, you can find more information here.

                  Inspired by an ancient Tibetan Buddhist tradition, the Earth Treasure Vase Global Healing practice lives at the center of the Gaia Mandala ( Community where once a month on the full moon we join in a meditation of sacred activism and invoke the locations where Earth Treasure Vases have been buried around the planet to bring healing and protection to the Earth. We imagine our prayers radiating out to activate a global healing mandala that has been created over many years, embracing all of Gaia in our love.


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                  ONE Members' Community Meet-up: The Language of Wetlands, Flowing and Merging in Gratitude

                  ONE Members' Community Meet-up: The Language of Wetlands, Flowing and Merging in Gratitude

                  In co-creative partnership with Wetland beauty, we invite you into a poetic expression of life that supports all life. When we come together in a group, gathering and sharing our experiences can be an exciting process. We get to learn from one another, and we get to practice our expanded capacity to speak of our shared love and gratitude for Wetlands. 

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                  Wetlands: Water, Earth, Life with Myra Jackson

                  Wetlands: Water, Earth, Life with Myra Jackson

                  In the third session of our Wetlands Series, we explore the confluence of Water and Earth in sustaining abundant life. Drawing on her years of work with communities, rivers, and freshwaters worldwide, Earth Elder Myra Jackson shares about her co-creative partnership with water and wetlands as places of wonder, unity, and connection. These awe-inspiring, unifying spaces foster biodiversity, mitigate climate change, and help sustain life on a global scale.

                  Immerse yourself in the reciprocal movement between water, a life-giving and dynamic force, and wetlands, which purify our ecosystems. Delving into the intricate relationship between humanity and wetlands, Myra skillfully guides us to feel our connection with the freshwaters in our own landscapes.

                  As we approach the Spring Wetlands Gratitude Ceremony, let's come together to honor the magic of wetlands and deepen our connection to these vibrant, vital aspects of Nature.

                  Myra Jackson is an Earth Elder who has held careers in engineering, holographic organizational development and academia. She carries the title of Diplomat of the Biosphere with a primary focus on transforming our societal relationship with Nature through public policy approaches that recognize Nature's intrinsic rights to exist whole along with all Her life forms. She also serves as an expert on the platform of the U.N. Harmony with Nature Program. Her life’s work is anchored by her role as an Evocateur of the Sacred and those ideas whose time has come.   

                  Myra participated in the Women Working for the Earth Summit hosted by ONE and has been a webinar guest sharing her highly popular topic, “Nature’s Embrace: The Way of True Reparations.”


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                  Communities, Water and Connection with Dr. Emily Hite

                  Communities, Water and Connection with Dr. Emily Hite

                  Join us for the second session of our Wetlands Series.

                  We will talk with Dr. Emily Hite to explore the complex connections between communities and their land and water.  Dr. Hite is a cultural, environmental anthropologist and passionate advocate for environmental sustainability whose research focuses on the intersection of human-water relationships and climate governance. 

                  Dr. Hite investigates the far-reaching consequences of damming rivers and how communities and wetlands are intricately linked to the health and vitality of these waterways. We will speak about the importance of maintaining the integrity of rivers and the delicate balance required to sustain both human communities and the diverse ecosystems they rely on.  As part of this conversation, Dr. Hite will share stories of communities working together to maintain an ancestral connection to their waters and land in the face of infrastructure and land development.

                  How did Dr. Hite find her passion for her work, and what is her personal relationship with water? 

                  She will share valuable insights from her research and collaboration with the Global River Protection Coalition and her studies in Costa Rica, as well as shed light on the Coalition’s ongoing efforts to enhance wetland protections on a global scale. 

                  Together, let's empower ourselves with knowledge and contribute to the collective effort to preserve the waters that flow through our world.

                  Dr. Emily Hite is an Assistant Professor of Cultural Anthropology at Saint Louis University. She is also a primary investigator at SLU's Water Institute and serves as a regional co-chair of the Global River Protection Coalition. Her research is focused on understanding human-water relationships and how they are challenged by both climatic changes and climate policy. A central concern of her research is the justice and equity of the processes of climate governance, with particular interest in how different knowledges, values, and belief systems are integrated into those processes.

                  Dr. Hite works with dam-impacted communities in the United States and throughout Latin America and conducts research at international climate and hydropower meetings to understand local-to-global perspectives. The ultimate aim of her research is to influence more culturally-informed governance that aligns with the principles of climate justice.

                  To learn more about Dr. Hite please visit her website or her SLU university site,


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                  ONE Members' Community Meet-up: When the Moon is in the Feet

                  ONE Members' Community Meet-up: When the Moon is in the Feet

                  Let's slow down... and feel the moon... and our feet.

                  At one time, the sign of the Moon was meant to tell the farmer when to plant and harvest and when to wean the calves. It was meant to inform us of an enhanced fermentation process that would result in the best time to make sauerkraut ~ or heal our gut microbiome. How is the celestial backdrop of lunar energy informing our lives, and our bodies today?

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                  Reclamation: Regaining My Voice with Christina Lynch

                  Reclamation: Regaining My Voice with Christina Lynch

                  Join us for an insightful webinar as we delve into the inspiring journey of Christina Lynch, a story of reconnecting with her Bajan heritage, her unique upbringing, and the profound influence of her environment on her path to regaining her voice. In this engaging and enlightening discussion, Christina will take you on a journey through her intuitive herbal path, sharing the powerful plant allies that have played a pivotal role in her physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.

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