“With our hands to the Earth, bare feet to the earth, now more than ever, we put down roots and send our words of gratitude for all ways that roots serve the great Web of Life.”
…Dwellers of the underground, branching downwards, nestled snuggly into soil, at home in the dark earthen body of our Mother. Growing in an unseen realm, teeming with life and fertility, Roots are connected by strands of mycelium, subterranean webs alive with communication.
Down. Downward. Descending. Roots give us direction for reconnection. Now is the time, more than ever, to ground into the sustenance of safety, deep nourishment, and sense of stability that the Earth provides. Roots are the ones who show us the way and hold the land in place. They are the ones who uptake nutrients for all green growing beings and provide so much food and medicine.
Without the foundation of roots, there would be no stability of a tree trunk to lean against. Without roots, branches could not reach great heights… You beneath our feet, hidden and humble, the anchors who allow all upward growth, thank you.
Planning Your Gratitude Ceremony
September 18th, 12:00 pm (your time zone)
In gratefulness and recognition of Roots and the contribution they provide to the web of life, we encourage you to join us in expressing your thankfulness through the Root Gratitude Ceremony. We invite you to pray with the land where you live and from there give thanks to the many roots, near and far that you have known. Many other members of the ONE community will also be expressing their gratitude for Roots all for the purpose of a vibrant future for Earth and all life.
Reciprocity is a cornerstone in good relationship with our Nature Relatives and showing our gratitude is key in building Co-Creative Partnership with our landscapes.
We have partnered in coordinating this simple ceremony with our friends at ForaTree.org, and we have created a printable instruction sheet to provide guidance and the framework for you to bring your creativity and open heart.
We invite you to let us know that you will be participating in this ceremony. If you would like to, you can also share your Root stories through the "Let us know you’re participating" button above and below.
I place my hands on the Earth. I breathe deeply into my heart center and when I exhale, I send love and gratitude down through my arms and fingertips to the Roots.
Thank you, Roots of the plants and trees.
Thank you for showing us how to communicate with and receive nourishment from the connected life force of all beings sharing our mother, Earth.
Thank you for your example of always balancing and counter-balancing to ensure the survival of the whole community.
Thank you for your physical manifestation of the web of life – delicate tendrils and strong tap roots entwined with mycelium, sending and receiving energy that helps all life thrive.
Thank you for holding the deep space that records the songs of sunlight, moonlight and the cosmos.
Thank you for nurturing our bodies, for amplifying our resilience and vitality.
Thank you for dreaming leaves and flowers into being.
Thank you for your power, your patience, your presence.
Thank you.
“In the Apache language, the root word for land is the same as the word for mind. Gathering roots holds up a mirror between the map in the Earth and the map of our minds. This is what happens, I think, in the silence and the singing and with hands in the Earth. At a certain angle of that mirror,
the routes converge and we find our way back home.”
Roots, Roots, Roots…just a few that we love. Email us photos of your beloved Root allies and we will add them to the gallery. info@natureevolutionaries.com.