“You have three wings.
The first unfolds and flies through the highest sky.
The second clips down touching the earth.
The third whirls its way over, under and through all things.”
The Wind is one of our greatest teachers. It tells us that all things within this great web of life know of their harmony with every other thing.
All Beings in this universe have spirit and life. At times it can feel as though the winds are intent on whisking away all that is unneeded in our lives…blowing away the debris and making room for new discoveries.
Its directions are known only to the invisible and unseen worlds, a whirlwind of power, capable of cooling the heat of the tropics or drying out the wet clothes left to dry on the line.
It flaps the long ears of hound dogs and can tangle the locks of sun-kissed, salt-drenched hair. Blowing sandy soil into drifts of sculptural impermanence and moving clouds quite efficiently, begging you to stand and look deeply into its mysterious presence.
Wind murmurs softly over the dark forests, stirring nature to its rhythmic unfoldment, and offers up inspired winged rides up in the sky and is the breath that gives life.
Wind is the force for shedding and releasing the leaves from the trees, for tacking the billowing sails and activating movement from one place to another like the clouds.
Winds unite with all the other elements, offering themselves freely with effortless enthusiasm, driving the movement of all forms, teaching, guiding, and showing us the way.
Planning Your Gratitude Ceremony
March 19th, 12:00 pm in your own time zone
This is a coordinated prayer that you offer in your own landscape (not an online event)
In recognition of the Winds and the contribution they provide to the web of life, we invite you to join us for the ONE Winds Gratitude Ceremony. Members of the ONE community will express their gratitude for the Winds around the world. We encourage you to pray with the land and winds where you live, adding your Heart and energy to a vibrant future for Earth and all life.
Reciprocity is a cornerstone in good relationships with our Nature kin and showing our gratitude is key in building Co-Creative Partnership with our landscapes.
In coordinating this simple ceremony, we have partnered with our friends at ForaTree.org, and we have created a printable instruction sheet to provide guidance and the framework for you to bring your creativity and open heart.
We invite you to let us know that you will be participating in this gratitude ceremony. If you would like to, you are welcome to share your Wind stories through the “Let us know you’re participating” button above and below.
I breathe deeply into my heart center and when I exhale
I send love and gratitude through my fingertips and breath to the forces of the wind.
“Beloved Wind, you are the great living force moving willfully across our precious Mother Earth.
In all your manifestations, you freely gust, blow, prevail,
carry, surge, spiral and transport.
Your mighty power creates, maintains, and destroys as you rise and subside, heat and chill, fuel and withhold, seed and engulf all that sustains our world.
I offer you my gratitude.
May we create environments that harmonize with your will.
May we attend to conditions that encourage your power of balance.
May you be recognized, honored and cherished.”
“Once upon a time, when women were birds, there was the simple understanding that to sing at dawn, and to sing at dusk, was to heal the world through joy. The birds still remember what we have forgotten, that the world is meant to be celebrated.”