How can we converse with Trees? by Elyse Pomeranz
Elyse Pomeranz describes her ways of communicating with trees through heart-perception, imagination and art.
The Benefit of no Benefit: Tree Gratitude Ceremonies, by Woody Winifree
Though even ceremonies of desire are waning from our culture, still, we can go further and become acquainted with the practice of ceremony which seeks no-benefit at all. We can draw forth again, from our ancestors and wisdom cultures, the simple and profound rituals offering gratitude for all that we receive from other realms. Primarily, specifically, especially, from the vast ecology of the natural world that sustains life on Earth.
Tree Bark medicine, by Jen Costa
Jen Costa, of Elder Moon School of Herbal medicine, leads us through the process of making medicine from the bark of healing trees.
Mother Oak, the Wolf Tree, by Catherine Bock
When I first moved to Champlain Valley Cohousing in Charlotte Vermont, I was shown a large oak tree out in the forest land owned by the community. We walked through the thick forest of young trees and underbrush that had grown around a tree they called the Mother Oak, shading her from the sun and taking nutrients from the soil. I was stunned by her majestic presence
Happy New Year
In this dawning of a New Year, greeted by the luminous full moon, who drew so close to Earth and opened our hearts with her beauty, ONE wishes you awakening, blessings and resolve in 2018.
Trees, Druidry and Me, by Fearn Licktfield
Druidry is an ancient and evolving spiritual path that originated in the British Isles. Druids align with the spirit of the earth below, the moon and stars above and the elements around and within us. Trees are our teachers and Nature is our church. We gather in groves as well as circles of standing stones to do our magic.
Prayers of a Christmas Tree Grower by Conifer Morze
A few days before our harvest of Christmas trees, I make an offering. I offer prayers of gratitude and thanksgiving to each and every tree and to the Spirit of the Land. ... I found one of the elders that was tagged to be cut and gave my offering of beads standing in front of this most gracious being.
Stand up and Be Seen by Mark Carlin
Thank you for your instruction to stand strong, to be exposed and seen in all your irregularities. My strength is to be like you in these ways.
Humanity, by Rachel Baird
Poem by Rachel Baird on the subject of evolving out of a duality consciousness, and the spreading of unity consciousness-our natural state.
Gratitude for Trees of Life
We offer gratitude to the Life-giving Trees. You whose green breath sustains our breath. You who have created the atmosphere in which organic beings can thrive. Thank you, trees for the music you make with the wind, for the way you gentle the rain into the earth, for your sheltering, protection and inspiration.
Forest Listening: Voices of the Pines, by Kate Gilday
I spent my childhood summers in the north woods of Maine, where the tall white pines whispered with every breeze. My family nestled in tents with other camping families amidst these fragrant evergreens and called it home for the season. The woodlands held secrets, wild blueberries, warm sunlight, and pines~ sticky with resin that we chewed as a kind of wild gum.