The Physical and Spiritual Intelligence of Plants with Rocio Alarcon
Join us for this exciting webinar that looks deeply at the vast intelligence of the plant world, including plants and trees that heal us, guide us, and feed us. You have probably heard the expression “master plants” and immediately think about psychotropic plants. In this paradigm-shifting webinar we will explore the idea that All plants are master plants and if approached and treated in a sacred manner, have the ability to open doors of perception, heal us at a core level, and nourish us optimally.

Partnering with Nature for a Vibrant Future-Planting Seeds of Hope
As we celebrate ONE’s anniversary, we come together in the present to tend to the future. We heed the occasion of our 10th anniversary as a call to action—join the conversation as we vision a living blueprint for the next ten years and beyond. Our panelists will identify what, from their perspectives, are critical areas that we are in a position to address, where the compost is ready for new seeds to grow, and how we can most effectively turn our vision—a future where people and nature are co-creative partners and all life has the right to thrive—into reality.

Building with Nature with Sigi Koko
Join natural builder, Sigi Koko, as she shares about working with Nature to create inspired architectural designs and construction from natural materials.

Kinship with Mountains with Dr. John Hausdoerffer
Join Dr. John Hausdoerffer as he shares his vision and experience of deep kinship with Nature and talks about how good life can be when we are in a meaningful relationship with our landscapes. We will honor Mountains in our discussion as wise Elders who can help guide us in being the ancestors we want to see in the future.

Propagating Black Joy with Dr. Chris Omni, Michelle Gunn and Ashley Powell
Join Dr. Chris Omni in celebrating and growing Black Joy! Dr. Omni will share her “Kujima (pronounced koo-gee-mah) Theory of Collective-Self Motivation”. This three-pillar model reimagines and renews the worlds within and around us and blends fundamental principles found within the African American celebration of Kwanzaa (pronounced “kwahn-zuh”).

As I Tend the Garden, the Garden Tends Me with Lisa Estabrook
“As my understanding of the flowers, and the interconnectivity of all of nature deepens, so does my understanding of myself. Understanding myself is empowerment.”
The Live webinar is 12:00 PDT/3:00 EDT on Tuesday, August 8th
Join us in conversation with Lisa Estabrook, artist, author and creator of Soulflower Plant Spirit Oracle deck as she shares her journey with her plant spirit mentors. We will explore the power of intentions, living body wisdom, restoring imagination as a super sense, and conscious creation with the elemental realm.
It has always been Lisa’s intention to grow herself which means that the plant spirits have continually helped her stretch her comfort zone! Over the last year or so her gardens have been calling for a new “blueprint" and she is leaning into that and what it can mean for our work in the world.
Feeling empowered and listening to and following the wisdom of our own hearts is an ongoing thread that Lisa is sharing with others as she remembers with the help of the plants. Lisa encourages us all to give ourselves permission to create a life from the inside out rather than the outside in, as so many of us have long been conditioned to do.
Lisa Estabrook is an artist, mother, way shower, author, home herbalist and plant whisperer who has spent the last 30 years figuring out how to live a meaningful, heart-led, healthy and joyful life. The creation of the Soulflower Plant Spirit Oracle deck was the result of a two-year long personal journey of self-discovery and healing which also launched her heART based Soulflower business with a growing range of products intended to support and inspire connection with ourselves and our planet. Lisa's belief is that the more we learn about ourselves, and take responsibility for our own healing (wholing) journeys, the more we will empower and support ourselves and by extension our families, our communities and ultimately the Earth herself. The founder of the online CommUNITY Garden, Lisa lives in Yarmouth, Maine.
You can learn more about Lisa’s work at her website: www.mysoulflower.love and at CommUNITY Garden Mighty Network: communitygarden.love

Truffle Talk with William Padilla-Brown
Join William Padilla-Brown as we discuss the fascinating relationship between truffles and mammals, and how this connection may have played a key role in the evolution of intelligent life on Earth.
Slow is Good: How to Create Regenerative Racial Justice by Learning from the Earth with Dr. Amanda Kemp
Dr. Amanda Kemp guides us to look to Earth for guidance on having open-hearted conversations, consciously using our power, and practicing compassion to cultivate racial justice and authentic community.

Communicating with Plants: Heart-Based Practices for Connecting with Plant Spirits with Jen Frey and Lillian Edwards
Author, and teacher, Jen Frey will give us a taste of the synergistic process of communicating with Plants and how they can help us heal and teach us to trust, forgive, and embrace self-love. Jen will be joined by botanical illustrator, Lillian Edwards, who will additionally share her process in visually bringing forward the essences of plants.

Wisdom Weavers of the World with Ilarion Merculieff
Join Unangan Elder, Ilarion Merculieff, as he invites you to explore a new way of living, guided by our hearts, with each and every unique heart beating together in the great song of creation.

Hummingbirds: Honoring Pollinators and Earth Day with Deb Soule and Pam Montgomery
“Remember, you are not alone as you gather herbs. Birds, butterflies, insects, other animals, and elemental beings may be nearby, sometimes visible and sometimes not.”
In this webinar, Deb Soule shares her journey following the southern migration of the ruby-throated hummingbird, and what inspired her.
Deb and Pam also discuss how herbal gardens offer sanctuary for pollinators. Flowering plants and trees, hedgerows and pathways, arbors and benches, altars and bells add magical dimensions into a healing garden. A diversity of plants, blooming throughout the gardening season encourages a diversity of pollinators and birds.. The biodynamic approach that Deb uses at Avena Botanical gardens helps create a sacred environment for all beings that enter the gardens.
Let us humans be respectful and welcoming to pollinators whose presence in our gardens and woodlands and the world bring harmony, balance, abundance, and joy.
Participate in the Pollinator Gratitude Ceremony from your home and in your landscape on April 29th as people from around the world will come together across the ethers to celebrate and express their appreciation for Pollinators!
Hummingbird Resources
“Beauty stops us in our tracks. It is a mental solvent that dissolves something else, melting it into radiance.” -Peter Schjeldahl
“Hummingbirds of North America (Peterson Field Guide)” by Sheri. L. Williamson
“Field Guide to the Hummingbirds” by Miles McMullan
“Hummingbirds of North America” by Steve N. G. Howell
“Hummingbirds: A Life-Size Guide to Every Species” by Michael Fogen, Marianne Taylor & Sheri L. Williamson
“Ruby-throated Hummingbird” by Robert Sargent (out of print, look for used copy)
“The Forgotten Pollinators” by Stephen L. Buchmann and Gary Paul Nabhan
“Attracting Native Pollinators: Protecting North America’s Bees and Butterflies” (information on creating Pollinator-friendly habitats, unfortunately doesn’t include info on hummingbirds but a valuable resource) by The Xerces Society
“A World on the Wing: the Global Odyssey of Migratory Birds” by Scott Weidensaul
“The Healing Garden” by Deb Soule
Banding Coalition of the Americas - founded in 2020, federally licensed neotropical migrating bird banders) www.bandingcoalition.org
zugeunruhe: the experience of migratory restlessness
www.rubythroat.org Hilton Pond Center for Piedmont Natural History is an active bird banding station in the Southeast
BirdLife International
Deb Soule is an herbalist, gardener, teacher, and author of The Woman’s Handbook of Healing Herbs, How to Move Like a Gardener, and The Healing Garden. Deb began organic gardening and studying the medicinal uses of herbs at age 16. Her faith in the healing qualities of plants includes a desire to make organic herbs easily accessible to women and families living in rural areas. In the fall of 1985, with her first mail-order catalog and a small selection of herbal extracts and teas, Deb launched Avena Botanicals, an apothecary that now serves thousands of customers. Deb has a special connection to the hummingbirds and has traveled part of the migratory path.
Pam Montgomery has been investigating plants and their intelligent spiritual nature for more than three decades. As an author, teacher, and practitioner she has passionately embraced her role as a spokesperson for the plants who are guiding us in our spiritual evolution. She is the author of Partner Earth; A Spiritual Ecology and the best selling Plant Spirit Healing; A Guide to Working with Plant Consciousness. She teaches internationally on plant spirit healing, spiritual ecology and people as Nature Evolutionaries. Her latest research is on the light and sound of plants which are foundational means of communication in the biological world. Pam is the founder of ONE. She has dedicated herself to co-creative partnership with all of life and feels the Organization of Nature Evolutionaries is a way to make this partnership manifest.

Building Disability Community and Justice in the Outdoors with Syren Nagakyrie
Disabled Hikers is an entirely Disabled-led organization. We celebrate disabled people’s experiences in the outdoors. We help facilitate those experiences with information, resources, and events, including trail guides and group hikes. We are also committed advocates for justice, access, and inclusion, and work with parks, organizations, brands, and more. We challenge the dominant narrative of who is considered to be valid and which experiences matter in the outdoors.

Connecting to the Elements and the Rhythms Within and Without: A Celebration of the Spring Equinox with Nancy Phillips
Join Nancy Phillips as she shares about connecting to the seasons and natural rhythms of the earth. We will explore how these offer us a path to spiritual wisdom and a sense of groundedness and peace. Embracing the energy of Springtime can be a catalyst for nurturing our own growth.

Sacred Earth ~ Sacred Self with Sharifa Oppenheimer
Join us in discussion with renowned teacher and author, Sharifa Oppenheimer about the reflection of Sacred Earth and Sacred Self, mirroring our inner and outer worlds. We will explore this connection especially in deepening our kinship with Nature.

Tending Land and Community ~ Diversifying Restoration with Layel Camargo
Are we stuck in an archaic view of an ecosystem that keeps people and Nature separate? How do we foster ecosystem repair AND community healing? This month’s featured webinar guest, Layel Camargo, has deeply explored these topics and will share their experience as a person dedicated to restoring our diverse relationship with Nature.

Nature, Culture & the Sacred with Nina Simons
Nina Simons, Bioneers’ Co-Founder and author of Nature, Culture and the Sacred: A Woman Listens for Leadership, joins us to talk about leadership, Nature, and how we can all cultivate resilience and liberation.

Nature's Embrace: The Way of True Reparations with Myra Jackson
And yet, Nature’s embrace is fulsome and surprisingly resilient.
We do not live on the Earth - we live embedded within a nourishing mantle of gases, light and biota calibrated to flourish as a living planetary Being. We are being deeply called to recognize that the debris field of a dissolving paradigm that can no longer be sustained and maintained is evidence of emergence and that which brings forth true reparations that enables the blossoming of humanity.
Walk with Myra as she shares a few field notes on the invitation before us all to RISE whole.

Artistic Nature with Hillary Waters Fayle
There is a strong relationship between the land and our interior landscapes. When we are connected to the land, we’re connected to ourselves, and one another.
Hillary Waters Fayle brings together materials and processes that express the union of humanity and the physical world. Whether stitching, drawing, planting seeds, or harvesting, her hands echo the gestures made by thousands of hands over thousands of years and bringing forward connection to lineages of people working with textiles, plants and the land. Stitching, like agriculture, can be functional-- a technical solution to join materials/a means of survival-- or, both can be done purely in service of the soul, lifting the spirit through beauty and wonder.

#LandBack with Taté Walker
Mitakuye Oyasin is a Lakota philosophy that roughly translates to "we are all related" or "all my relations." It recognizes one's relationship and responsibility to all living things and reminds us to always consider how our behaviors and actions impact the life around us.
Unsurprisingly, this philosophy is at odds with colonialism and the capitalist notions of "me" over "we." This discussion will review the universal and practical applications of Mitakuye Oyasin and how humans can cultivate kinship with the life, space, and time around them in ways that reject Western bootstrap/individualistic theories and acknowledge and affirm Indigenous people, values, and practices.
Taté Walker is a Lakota citizen of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe of South Dakota. They are an award-winning Two Spirit storyteller for outlets like "The Nation," "Everyday Feminism," "Native Peoples," "Indian Country Today," "Apartment Therapy," and "ANMLY." They are also featured in several anthologies, including "FIERCE: Essays by and about Dauntless Women," "South Dakota in Poems," W.W. Norton's "Everyone's an Author," and "The Languages of Our Love: An Indigenous Love and Sex Anthology" (forthcoming Summer 2022). Taté recently released their first full-length, illustrated poetry book, "The Trickster Riots" (Abalone Mountain Press, 2022).

Black Joy in Green Spaces with Chris Omni
You are warmly invited to join Chris Omni for a journey into a world of Black Joy in Green Spaces.
In this new world, she will share about Granny’s Garden: Growing Black Joy, followed by an intimate conversation about how this journey started, where it is now, and where it is going. We will also celebrate the eve of National Black Joy Day! Yesssss, there is such a day! Your presence at this webinar will be one of the many ways to recognize this beautiful holiday while spreading awareness of this movement to provide a counter-story to the typical deficit narrative that is generally associated with Black people.

A Litany of Wild Graces: Deepening Into the Heart of Nature with Sharifa Oppenheimer
We are happy to welcome Sharifa Oppenheimer, author of A Litany of Wild Graces: Meditations on Sacred Ecology! She will share with us not only her poems and essays, but also the process of transformation she underwent as she wrote this new book of love for the wild and tender Earth.

From Grieving to Grounding ~ Nature as Healer with Krista Nelson
Krista Nelson, as a Silver Lining Sentinel, is on a mission to share what she’s learned about the power of nature to acknowledge loss, soothe grief, quiet fear, and nurture the seed of peace, love, and optimism; a process of transformation and manifestation.

Nature's Holy Open Secret with Maureen Robertson
Following in the footsteps of Germany's Bard Goethe, Maureen will share his 7 step method as a protocol for practical help in studying natural phenomena and how we can breathe a "Life-filled Giving" when we study the dynamic images of plants and the living principle of how a plant/living being manifests itself the way it does and how this is linked to their Essence.

What Plants Can Teach Us: Archetypes & Messages with Kathi Keville
Join Kathy Keville as she shares about seasonal celebrations of the world and sacred plants. Kathi is an internationally known herbalist and aromatherapist and avid organic gardener. She has been highly recognized herb in the herbal and aromatherapy field since 1970 when she began teaching. She has been the Director of the American Herb Association since it’s creation in 1981 and was a founding member of the American Herbalist Guild in 1989. Kathi was granted honorary membership to the National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy in and the American Aromatherapy Association for her pioneering work. She is also the editor of the AHA Quarterly Newsletter.

Water Stories: The Incredible Possibilities for Restoration and Regeneration
Join Zach Weiss as he shares about the water cycle as well as real-world stories of the solutions and approaches that can affect change and the incredible possibilities for Restoration and Regeneration.

Plant Spirit Herbalism Session with Carole Guyett
Join ONE Visioning Council Member, Sara Artemisia, for the Plant Spirit Herbalism Summit. This FREE event will be held over Equinox weekend, March 18th-20th. ONE is a co-sponsor of this event.🌿
In this session, on March 20th, Carole Guyett offers profound insight into the practice of sacred plant initiations and what it means to be a sacred plant medicine practitioner. She also offers deep wisdom into her experience of being in reciprocal relationship with the plants, and how she works with the labyrinth as a tool for transformational healing.
You are welcome to attend all sessions offered during the weekend for FREE. The line up is full of speakers that are wise, knowledgeable, creative, and deeply connected with the plants in a myriad of incredible ways. The wisdom they share will definitely be affirming in your journey on the plant path, and likely also life-changing in deepening your relationship with herbs and Nature.
We can’t imagine a more wonderful way to welcome in the spring!

Flowers, Healing and Connection with Nature with Judith Poelarend
Join us in dialogue with Judith Poelarends about the healing qualities of the Alaskan wildflowers and what they have to share with us about living in challenging circumstances. The vibrational remedies made from these flowers help us on the emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. Learn more about how they support us in finding balance, releasing what we no longer need, and enhancing our connection with Nature.

Tending the Sacred and Breaking the Rules in Hot Mess Times with Maeve McBride
Join Maeve McBride, a climate justice organizer, and writer, as she shares stories about her intertwined paths of seeking justice and finding spirit. She will draw from her work organizing a five-day climate walk in Vermont, blockading oil trains, and her recent practice of movement chaplaincy. Listen to her thoughts on how we can thrive while doing the seemingly impossible work of dismantling the nasty -isms of our time - capitalism, racism, colonialism - to name a few.

Looking into the Mirror of Nature – Metaphorical Medicine Gifts of the Plants and Trees with Robin Rose Bennett
In this conversation we’ll explore ways to see and access the metaphorical, spiritual magic of common plants and trees as well as ways to connect with these gifts in a grounded way. As we learn to embody the teachings of the plants we become empowered to offer ever more joyful service at this pivotal time in our world.

Growing Home: Reclaiming the Sacred Garden with Erin O'neill
As a gardener, teacher, and mother, Erin O'Neill speaks of the seeds and how they are always waiting to be born and longing to grow. She invites us all to remember our common ancestry of planting, gathering, foraging, hunting and knowing our food. Exploring these seeds of ancestral food memory helps us to reconnect and work with the forces and natural abundance at our fingertips and under our feet.
During this Teleseminar, Erin will discuss the importance of reclaiming the sacred act of gardening including the broader scope of nourishing and cultivating life in all forms.