“Remember, you are not alone as you gather herbs. Birds, butterflies, insects, other animals, and elemental beings may be nearby, sometimes visible and sometimes not.”
In this webinar, Deb Soule shares her journey following the southern migration of the ruby-throated hummingbird, and what inspired her.
Deb and Pam also discuss how herbal gardens offer sanctuary for pollinators. Flowering plants and trees, hedgerows and pathways, arbors and benches, altars and bells add magical dimensions into a healing garden. A diversity of plants, blooming throughout the gardening season encourages a diversity of pollinators and birds.. The biodynamic approach that Deb uses at Avena Botanical gardens helps create a sacred environment for all beings that enter the gardens.
Let us humans be respectful and welcoming to pollinators whose presence in our gardens and woodlands and the world bring harmony, balance, abundance, and joy.
Participate in the Pollinator Gratitude Ceremony from your home and in your landscape on April 29th as people from around the world will come together across the ethers to celebrate and express their appreciation for Pollinators!
Hummingbird Resources
“Beauty stops us in our tracks. It is a mental solvent that dissolves something else, melting it into radiance.” -Peter Schjeldahl
“Hummingbirds of North America (Peterson Field Guide)” by Sheri. L. Williamson
“Field Guide to the Hummingbirds” by Miles McMullan
“Hummingbirds of North America” by Steve N. G. Howell
“Hummingbirds: A Life-Size Guide to Every Species” by Michael Fogen, Marianne Taylor & Sheri L. Williamson
“Ruby-throated Hummingbird” by Robert Sargent (out of print, look for used copy)
“The Forgotten Pollinators” by Stephen L. Buchmann and Gary Paul Nabhan
“Attracting Native Pollinators: Protecting North America’s Bees and Butterflies” (information on creating Pollinator-friendly habitats, unfortunately doesn’t include info on hummingbirds but a valuable resource) by The Xerces Society
“A World on the Wing: the Global Odyssey of Migratory Birds” by Scott Weidensaul
“The Healing Garden” by Deb Soule
Banding Coalition of the Americas - founded in 2020, federally licensed neotropical migrating bird banders) www.bandingcoalition.org
zugeunruhe: the experience of migratory restlessness
www.rubythroat.org Hilton Pond Center for Piedmont Natural History is an active bird banding station in the Southeast
BirdLife International
Deb Soule is an herbalist, gardener, teacher, and author of The Woman’s Handbook of Healing Herbs, How to Move Like a Gardener, and The Healing Garden. Deb began organic gardening and studying the medicinal uses of herbs at age 16. Her faith in the healing qualities of plants includes a desire to make organic herbs easily accessible to women and families living in rural areas. In the fall of 1985, with her first mail-order catalog and a small selection of herbal extracts and teas, Deb launched Avena Botanicals, an apothecary that now serves thousands of customers. Deb has a special connection to the hummingbirds and has traveled part of the migratory path.
Pam Montgomery has been investigating plants and their intelligent spiritual nature for more than three decades. As an author, teacher, and practitioner she has passionately embraced her role as a spokesperson for the plants who are guiding us in our spiritual evolution. She is the author of Partner Earth; A Spiritual Ecology and the best selling Plant Spirit Healing; A Guide to Working with Plant Consciousness. She teaches internationally on plant spirit healing, spiritual ecology and people as Nature Evolutionaries. Her latest research is on the light and sound of plants which are foundational means of communication in the biological world. Pam is the founder of ONE. She has dedicated herself to co-creative partnership with all of life and feels the Organization of Nature Evolutionaries is a way to make this partnership manifest.