Rani Findlay and Woody Winfree
After exploring Trees of Life over these last months; recognizing and being humbled by all that we receive every day from Trees, let's give back, let's fully participate in nourishing nature and especially Trees.
In this teleseminar, Celebrant and For a Tree co-founder, Rani Findlay speaks about Tree ceremonies and especially the Tree Gratitude Ceremony shared by ForaTree.org.
In ceremony, we connect with one another, to spirit and to the web of all life. The sacred act of ceremony with trees creates the opportunity for us to experience our identity and responsibility as caretakers of life on our Mother Earth. Our whole-hearted participation opens closed parts of ourselves to all the blessings that are ours to offer for all the gifts we receive. Rani shares about Tree Gratitude Ceremonies and invite us to use this ceremony to begin or expand our grateful relationship with trees, one based on an exchange of giving and receiving.
Rani Findlay was initiated into the act and art of ceremony in India forty years ago, guided by revered teachers of the Vedic tradition in upholding the harmonious functioning of nature. A decade ago she met a ceremonial leader of Andean lineage and continues to receive counsel in the indigenous wisdom ways of preserving the continuity of life on Earth.
In 2012, Rani began exploring with her Celebrant colleague, Woody Winfree, how to actively engage individuals and communities in ceremonies that honor Trees and recognize their immense significance in the web of life.
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