Mount Shasta, California
Join O.N.E. and Karyn Sanders as we focus on healing our relationship with nature and our vital need for connection to all beings.
During this Teleseminar, we look at the trauma caused by living in a way that separates us from our power and the resulting loss of connection with all our relations. Karyn also speaks about how to overcome this separation and heal the wounds we have been carrying in our own lives.
An essential evolution of Sacred Earth Activism is taking the step from healing our own trauma to then serving all our communities. Karyn speaks to this as she talks about her “sacred site” and “water” work and their meaning in the world.
Karyn Sanders
About Karyn
Karyn Sanders has been working with plants for most of her life. She was first trained in Native American traditional plant medicine. In her mid-teens she apprenticed with a Mexican curandera and has subsequently studied with various traditional teachers as well as Western herbalists. Karyn has been teaching and practicing herbal medicine from an energetic perspective for over 42 years.
Karyn has a live radio show, The Herbal Highway, that has aired weekly since 1996 on KPFA, 94.1FM out of Berkeley, California. She co-hosts this program with Sarah Holmes. You can listen to her show live through the internet at, Thursdays from 1 to 2pm PST. Karyn is also available to teach at other schools, community groups and conferences. To learn more about Karyn Sanders, visit her website at
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