When the outer world feels uncertain, we are called inward to find deeper meaning, connection, and faith. What is the role of prayer in crisis? Does it actually make a difference?
We will explore answers to some of the oldest questions of the spiritual path; What is your relationship to the Divine? What is prayer? What is it for? How do you pray when you are not religious? When god is not a person?
Fearn will share her understanding and practice of prayer as a Druid. We will discuss some forms prayer can take. We will explore prayer as an offering, as a divine dialogue, as a force for healing, as courtship, devotion, faith, and love for the world.
This will be an engaging talk that will give you tools and inspiration to build a personal, authentic prayer practice.
Find your way, your words, your unique relationship with the Divine, and change the world.
About Fearn
Fearn Lickfield is a web weaver, faery seer, earth diviner, temple tender, and magical activist. She is the director and headteacher of The Green Mountain Druid School and Ecstatic Dance Vermont. She serves life as a flower essence practitioner, geomancer, dowser, dancer, community organizer, gardener, and medicine maker. She co-creates community celebrations in honor of the earth and waters, the seasons, and for rites of passage. Fearn is the steward of Dreamland, a sanctuary and mystery school in Worcester VT.
To learn more about Fearn and her work visit www.greenmountaindruidorder.org or email Fearn directly at Fearnessence@gmail.com.
The Dragon Temple at Dreamland