Filtering by: “Rivers of Life”

Rights of Rivers with Grant Wilson

Rights of Rivers with Grant Wilson

Join O.N.E. and Grant Wilson Directing Attorney for the Earth Law Center in speaking about rights of rivers and the processes that individuals and communities engage in to assuring basic rights for their rivers. Grant has worked on a variety of environmental campaigns in the US and worldwide, including on climate change and water law issues. He earned a J.D. with a Certificate in Environmental and Natural Resources Law from Lewis & Clark Law School in Portland, Oregon.  

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Amazon River with Rocio Alarcon

Amazon River with Rocio Alarcon

Ecuadorian, teacher and healer, Rocio Alarcon will join us during our Rivers of Life tele seminars to speak about the Amazon which is considered the “mightiest river in the world”. South America’s Amazon ecosystem is often described as ‘larger than life’ and indeed it comprises the most expansive rainforest in the world, home to the second-longest river on earth. Combined, they spawn an incredible amount of life, with the sheer abundance of flora and fauna making it an essential breeding and feeding ground. A passionately protected yet endangered bionetwork, the Amazon River and Rainforest provide our planet with indispensable oxygen, fresh water, and biodiversity. Join us to hear Rocio’s unique perspective of this magnificent river.

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